Monday, March 20, 2017

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; May the Lord rejoice in His works. Psalm 104:31

Inside every flashlight are batteries. The strength of the light, coming from the flashlight, is determined by the battery power. Without those batteries fully charged, the flashlight is useless. 

As children of God, we have a source of power living inside of us, the Holy Spirit. He provides power in our life to shine through the darkness of this world to touch the lives of others. Without His power, we are useless if we rely on our own strength. God's plan to reach out to the lost and save them is obtained through His children, you and me. The important thing for every believer is that they utilize this power and shine their light in the direction God's hand has turned. 

Where is God directing your light? Do you know? Pray and ask Him to use you to shine His light into your circle of influence to bring Him glory and honor. His Son, Jesus, paid the price for your sin, so walk in obedience and keep your light beaming for God every day. He is counting on you to accomplish His plan. Shine your light today on someone and be blessed. Happy Monday friends! God bless.

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