Saturday, March 11, 2017

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Recently I attended a retirement celebration on the north side of Atlanta. If you've ever driven in and around Atlanta, you know there is a lot of stop and go traffic and a few wrecks along the way. I used our office's  navigation system for the trip. On several occasions, it alerted me to slow traffic ahead and provided a detour. I never used this feature, I wanted to stay on the 285 bypass because I knew it well and it was a straight route...but my co-workers encouraged me to follow it's new directions. So I did. We made 3 detours and arrived to our destination 15 minutes early. If I had stayed on my original route, I would have been delayed over an hour. 

It's kind of scary when you put your trust in a small device. The alternate routes it takes you can leave you a little aprehensive and scared, but, it knows the way. Our journey with the Lord oftentimes takes us on a different path. A fork in life brings decisions....right or left? Our feeling is left, but God wants you to bear right. You ask..."Where are you taking me God?". He replies, trust me, keep the faith. 

Why is it so hard sometimes to have faith in our creator? I think as humans we want safety, comfort and to live with little pain as possible. But God has a different plan. He knows what's best for us and most of brings glory to Him. Trusting in Him and walking in obedience is the way we show our confidence in God. Maybe today you are faced with a choice of which way to go in life, or God has already spoken to you. TRUST HIM! Take the route He leads you. It has more purpose than any known path you've traveled before.

God says start a new career, let go of this relationship or sell everything and wait for the next step. Are you going to follow in complete obedience? Trust Him with everything in life...He knows what's best and will bless you greatly upon your arrival. Have a safe and awesome Saturday friend. 

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