Friday, March 3, 2017

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Philippians 2:3

We live in a very competitive society. Everyone wants to get ahead of the guy or gal next to him. And the products we have available to us. You can buy the newest phone on the market, and it seems days later something else has more features or faster service. This vicious cycle of "getting ahead" never stops.

Our lives as God's children can get out of alignment in our service for the Lord. We tend to think of ourselves as holy and righteous..."we are better than the other guy". This prideful attitude makes no room for God to work in your life. A humbled spirit, ready to serve, is what God desires of us. When we put others first, we put the love of Christ out there for others to experience. Not our doing, but the Holy Spirit living inside of us. The more we surrender self, the easier it is to put others first. I will say some of life's most precious moments can be recalled by someone who went out of their way to do something for me. 

Is your heart ready to serve with an unconditional attitude....or do you need to work on that attitude and learn humbleness and remove some of the pride that blinds your vision to the needs of others? Ask God to give you a yielded spirit to an attitude of humble service and to share the love of Christ with those around you. He will help you get Him in all areas of your life and watch and see your actions become less about you and more about others. Have a blessed day....go find somone you can serve and love on! God bless!! 

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