Friday, June 30, 2017

The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, and waste your pleasant words. Proverbs 23:8

What a gross thing to think about eating something we think is good then turn around and vomit it up. Yuck! Yet, we can do that in the conversations we engage in with others. We spend time with co-workers or friends and before too long the conversation turns to gossip or negativity. As we feed on the topic, we get sucked into the feast of poison. Our engagement in the conversation just fuels it's fire and shows our approval by allowing it to occur. 

As a child of God, your speech should be seasoned with grace, always with a spirit of forgiveness, humbleness and love. When we engage in conversations counter to these spiritual attributes, we weaken our testimony to those around us and others will be quick to mention our name and unspoken approval of such negative thinking when the next poisionous feast occurs. You are a light. Don't allow yourself to walk in the darkness. Those around you will quickly try to blow out that light so their wicked ways won't be exposed. Walk away from those feasts of negativity and say a prayer for them. There is much said when you stand away,yet visible from a distance. 

There is a lot of talk these days. Don't get sucked into the darkest of the light that shines from afar and keep praying for those who toxify themselves with negativity and gossip. Your lack of engagement will keep your mind free to focus on right things and walk in the way of the Lord. Stay the course friend and keep your light shining for Him. God bless.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. 
Isaiah 43:2

Back in my college years, I took a semester of study out west in Colorado. It was the most awesome time of my life. But, on one occasion I faced death head on. The group I was with had to hike up Pike's Peak, to timberline. There, were cabins that awaited us. About 3/4 the way up the mountain, we felt the effects of less oxygen the further we climbed. It was a struggle for this flatlander to take each step. Then, out of no where this powerful winter storm hit us on the side of that mountain. Blowing snow, frigid temperatures and less oxygen made for a very difficult climb. Our group would take a few steps, then fall to the ground for air and rest. Eventually we made it to the cabins, but not without some of our group experiencing frostbite and dehydration.

Looking back, I am still amazed that we even survived. The trail was covered in snow.  Thankfully our group leader knew the way up the mountain. Without him, we probably wouldn't have made it. How about you....have you ever experienced a life and death matter and came out alive and well? God watches over His children. 

Unexpected storms can blow in from out of no where, leaving us with the fear of defeat, even death. But, when we call upon the Lord, He makes a provider, Jesus Christ. He knows the way through your predicament. Trust Him with every step. As today's verse will walk through the fire's and waters of life, but they will not knock you over or scorch you. 

Storms of life never cease. If you are going through one now, follow Him through the fire, wade through the deep waters with confidence. He loves you enough to shield you from the worst of the storm. It may seem like hell, it might feel like a flood....on the other side of His protective hand is defeat....thankfully you are on the inside of that hand, protected. Thank Him for His protection and guidance. Travel through the storms of life knowing He is always with you. God bless.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 
2 Corinthians 3:18

 Have you ever gone for a period of time with something on your face, hair sticking up in the back or maybe your shirt collar not positioned just right? All this goes on, until you step in front of a mirror and see the flaw. You quickly fix the problem and hope no one noticed...but if they did, you ask why didn't they say anything. Embarrassment probably accompanies this situation as well.

Reality check, as a child of God, have you looked in the spiritual mirror to see if you have any flaws going on in your daily life? If you are human, you most certainly do have some flaws. No one is perfect and we all sin. But there might be something going on in your life that flies just under your fleshly radar, yet doesn't truly reflect the image of God to those outside the faith. Maybe there is a pleasure, habbit or relationship that doesn't reflect the pureness of Christ? Genesis says, God created man in His image. Are you reflecting Christ in all areas of your life? 

If you are a child of God, it should be your goal to surrender everything that blurs His reflection. Trust me, no one on earth will question your questionable behavior. That's why it's important to go before God every day and ask Him to create awareness of your fleshly flaws and help your fix those little pieces of life sticking up or align your relationships in His will. You can go forever without looking in a mirror, but for the believer, it's important to always stand in front of God's mirror to make sure your reflecting the right image. Check yourself today and ask God to reveal those flaws and fix them immediatly. The world is watching and need His image to live by. 
Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Psalm 115:5-8 5They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. 6They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. 7They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. 8Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.



One thing I despise is being sick, especially when it involves my sinuses. As you know when sick, you don't feel well, can't move much and everything has no smell and you can't taste food because all of your sensors are blocked because of the illness. Nothing good comes from times of sickness.


I believe the same is true when we allow idols to become the center of our life. Idols may involve a certain person, pleasure, financial obligation, or thing. We become so focused on the idol that we loose touch with everything and everyone around us, especially God. When this happens, it's a set up for disaster. Just like if you are sick, you become almost useless in the hands of God.


Evaluate your life. Do you have any idols that isolate yourself from the people and family around you? Does it take away time spent with the Lord in prayer and worship? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you have an "idol" sickness and you need to call upon God to help you either remove that idol or place it in a lower priority. God wants you to have nice things, they are His blessings. But when they consume every aspect of your life, you loose touch with reality and God. Always center your attention on Him and the other things and people in your life will fall in the proper priority alignment.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, June 26, 2017

 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12

 Back in my college years I had a business detailing cars with a friend of mine. Together we'd wash about 2 cars a day in the summer months. Some cars would come in so filthy and covered in bug guts; It took some time to scrub off the bugs, tar and dirt. But once finished, it was like a brand new car, all shiny and the owner was glad to pay our fee. 

As children of God, He wants us to be spotless in this world so we can be shiny enough to reflect every attribute of himself in our life. When we drive through the mud puddles of sin, get hit with the bug splatter of our wicked thoughts and covered in the sticky tar of greed and pride, we become less useful for Him. As we go through life, we see the dirt and grime we've accumulated and feel the need to isolate ourselves from everyone....even God. Friend, those feelings of guilt and shame are of the devil. God's grace washes you clean day by day, minute by minute. There is no sin in your life He hasn't pardoned. 

It's ok to pull your life out of the garage and get out there to shine for Christ. He has already washed you clean. Every time you ask for forgiveness, He does a deep clean on your soul. All that sinful grime is washed away, never to be remembered. Go shine for Christ today with a clean spirit, you've got a lot of miles to travel, do it with joy in the Lord. Have a blessed day!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. 
Habakkuk 2:3

Yesterday the final wave of storms passed through our area and the weather forecast between here and the Smoky Mountains looked good for the next few days. So I quickly threw clothes in my saddle bag and off I rode on my motorcycle. 165 miles from home I encounter an unexpected storm with heavy and repeated rains. I found shelter in a bank drive through and waited it out. Once the rain stopped and sun came out, I slowly traveled a little further north, reached Blue Ridge, ate supper and decided to come back since it was so late.  Although disappointed I wasn't able to get to my intended destination, I still enjoyed the ride. 

In yesterday's blog I talked about those times when we are falsely accused or done wrong by others. God has a plan and purpose for everything. When we encounter unexpected storms, we have to remember God has allowed them to come into our life. What's our responsibility? Drive safe....journey through the storm at a slower pace....God has a purpose in the rain storm of adversity and if you keep a fast pace you'll either miss His blessings or have a wreck. Sometimes God allows those storms to slow us down, meanwhile He is preparing the way forward. Never discredit a storm, there is a purpose in it...Drive slow and safely through it. 

Are you in a storm? Trust God to steer you forward, it's ok to stop and seek shelter under His loving arms of protection and healing. When the sun comes back out, you can resume your normal pace. Wait upon the Lord and He shall renew your strength so you can soar like the eagles. Trust Him in the storm and drive safely through life friend. God bless.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day; to save many people alive. 
Genesis 50:20

Wrongly accused and treated unfairly. Has this ever happened to you? In the last chapters of Genesis, we read about Joseph. As a young boy, his father loved him more than his older brothers. Out of envy, his brothers sold Joseph into slavery. While separated from his family, Joseph lived closely to God and God blessed him. Everything Joseph did was done well and it advanced him from slavery, being falsely accused of sleeping with his masters wife and thrown in jail, to interpreting the dream of Pharaoh and he was given leadership over the land. 

While in charge, Joseph knew famine was coming and stored back grains and food for the years of drought. He was able to save many people, including his father and his jealous brothers by providing them food for the lean years. When you sit back and digest this entire story, you see that without Joesph going through this horrible chain of events, many would have starved and died. God used Josephs mistreatment to place him in a higher position to bring blessings to others. 

Maybe you've been wrongly accused or treated unfairly by co-workers, friends...maybe even your own family. Although it's a painful experience, trust God in what's happening and stay the the obedient child of God He has called you to be. Keep living the faith for Romans 8:28 says..."and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

If you are a child of God, you have a purpose and that's to obey Him and always stay true to your faith no matter what horrible events befall you. God has a plan and purpose for every event in your life. Let me say it again...God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for every event in your life. Trust Him and follow in obedience, then watch His works unfold before you to bring blessings down the road. Keep living the faith! God bless.

Friday, June 23, 2017

"In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you."
John 14:2

The one thing I look forward throughout the work day, is when I can come back home and relax after a busy and challenging day in the office. Having that one thing to look forward to helps me push forward, through the daily grind of work.

Our laboring in this world often finds us stressed and faced with challenges that can overwhelm even the strongest of faith. God promises to always be with us. His Spirit lives inside of each believer. He senses when your heart is burdened and your strength is weak. When you acknowledge your need, He responds with His mighty hand to guide you, strengthen you and encourage you to keep moving forward. He never stops providing His resources to His children, so never give up. 

You have a mansion waiting on you at the end of this earthly life, find moments of peace and comfort knowing that life's challenges are worth it for the reward that awaits you for all eternity. Keep living the faith, your mansion awaits you! God bless.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 
Colossians 4:5

For some people, bird watching is a fun and exciting hobby. There are so many birds out there to explore and with each new find comes the thrill of documenting your sighting. Knowing how a bird behaves in its flight pattern, food selection and overall demeanor will help you identify the bird. Of course it's shape, size and coloring make it easy as well, but a bird's behavior is often the very thing that confirms it's breed. 

For the child of God, we need to realize people are watching us. Our life should stand out, differing from others in our behaviors, speech and even our thoughts. If we live counter to scripture, then it will be difficult for someone outside the faith to see what Christ looks like from their view point. 

Live out each day, following Christ's example, and you won't confuse those seeking truth in the Lord. The world needs to identify Christ, can they see Him in you? ‎

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 
Acts 16:25

Recalling my childhood, I remember times when I was hurt or afraid, my mother would sing a simple song to soothe me. Her melody seemed to remove any pain, fears or doubts I had. Music does that for a person, it's magical powers can turn a bad moment into a good one. 

Today's passage finds Paul and Silas in prison for preaching about Jesus. Severely beaten and thrown in prison with their feet bound in the stocks, they found comfort in the midnight hour bypraying and singing praises to God. Why? Because God moves when we sing praises to Him. If you continue to read on in Acts, you'll see that the jailer and his family accepted Christ in thier lives because of the witness of Paul and Silas. Their songs of praise soothed over the turmoil brought on by the wickedness of the men who cast them in jail. 

Has something of the world have you beaten and feeling shackled, unable to move from your circumstances? Find peace by praying to God and singing praises to Him. He is worthy of your praise, regardless of your situation. And through your praises, God can and will do mighty things, all for His glory, and shower blessings on you. Praise Him today. God bless.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
If you've ever had someone stay with you, you probably spent some time cleaning the house, washed bedding and purchased food so your guest can feel welcomed and at home. I recently had company and I can tell you it's some work before hand and while they are here, keeping everything in proper order, but it's worth it when they find comfort during their stay. 

If you are a child of God, your body host the Spirit of God. His Spirit lives inside of you, going everywhere you go, experiencing everything you do and He absorbs every aspect of your life. Question, do you continually work hard to make sure what you do, places you go, and your thoughts all make for the perfect setting for our Holy God? Today's scripture reminds us that our bodies are not our own. Christ blood, His atonement for your sin, purchased your worthless soul and made it clean in the eyes of God. 

So, since you have a clean soul, why not keep it clean by living a Godly lifestyle. Don't clutter it with sinful pursuits and behaviors unbecoming of a child of God. A clean house takes work, personal sacrifice and a commitment to providing the best for the Holy Spirt. On the day when your soul meets God, you will hear Him say....Good job my good and faithful servant. Why not do some temple cleaning today so you can provide the Holy Spirit a suitable place to live. 
God bless.

Monday, June 19, 2017

A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

There is an old saying..."Mother Nature has the final say". Storms alter the course of everything from vehicles, ships and planes...even the NASA works around storms. Family gatherings, outdoor adventures and work can cease with an approaching storm. Mother Nature is powerful and unless you respect her fury, your plans could have devastating consequences if you don't alter your course.

As I've added years to my life, I've found many times the storms of life come at the most inconvenient times.  Plans to pay off a debt are put aside for some unexpected medical procedure, a vacation halted by sickness or a pleasant meal shortened due to an unruly child who is having a meltdown. Life can find storms without searching too hard. How you respond is critical in maintaining your spiritual influence on those around you. Something my work agency always says....its neccesary to remain "fluid". Meaning, when those unexpected storms come, be ready to alter your course and trust God in the process. 

I've found these life storms were allowed to come through the loving hands of God. Oh yes, some storms might mean the end to someone's life, yet God can orchestrate a miraculous miracle in the hurricane of grief and unending pain. Remaining fluid, trusting God and adjusting our plans to align with His are the only way to find eternal blessings when everything seems hopeless. 

Are you facing a life altering storm? Be ready to change plans and follow His path through the circumstance. He loves you enough to make it worth your while to seek His ways and find peace in the middle of chaos. Trust Him today. God bless.  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from Heaven which said, "You are Me beloved Son; in You I am well pleased."
Luke 3:22

Dad's come in various shapes and sizes. Their roles vary from one father to another...some are active in their children's lives, others not much so. You may be reading this and not even know your father. Father's don't really have an instruction manual....they often follow suit from the interactions they had with their father. Being a father is a tall order and so often we dad's fail in our responsibilities. No one is perfect in life. 

But, as we read in today's passage, God....the creator of everything and everyone, recognized Jesus Christ, His Son, who was baptized. God blessed us by providing Jesus as an atonement for the trespasses of everyone. No matter what role your dad has or has not played in your life, you need to realize, God created you. Without your dad, you wouldn't be here right now. 

If you are without an earthly father, you have One Father in Heaven who loves you and saw it necessary to bring you into this world with the help of your biological father. 
Thank God for your existence and for using him to start your life. I personally fall into this category. 

But, I was also blessed through adoption and placed in the arms of a couple who loved and cared for me. My father has shown me much love through the years in the ways he knows how. And I pass along those expressions of love to my children. If you have a father here on earth who loves you, friend you are richly blessed. Thank him and love Him. God used him to bring you here to this world. Happy Father's day! God bless.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Lip service. It's saying what you do or will do, when in actuality you do the opposite. Living out your words takes a commitment to stay true to yourself and God. When you "perform life" you are acting out some mystical idea or thought in your mind. Be YOU! Be true to God and most of all always keep honesty in the forefront of everything you do in life. 

God wants His children to be faithful, loving and honest individuals. There is nothing fake in Christ. He is the "real McCoy". We should strive to reflect His perfection every day. Yes, we will fail one is perfect. But, if we knowingly have the opportunity to do something right, we need to do it to the fullest and trust God with the consequences of our obedience. 

Is your daily life acceptable to God? Find areas that need some work and ask Him to help correct the wrong. He wants to perfect you through life's sanctification process but He needs a surrendered life, willing to be transformed into His image. Won't you be that living sacrafice today, pleasing and honoring to our God and precious Savior. He is calling you today, respond in obedience. 
God bless.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Hear, O you mountains, the Lord's complaint, and you strong foundations of the earth; for the Lord has a complaint against His people, and He will contend with Israel. Micah 6:2

One of my jobs as a supervisor is to listen to people's complaints and try to find a resolution to their concern. Sometimes it's an easy fix by making one phone call, other times its more complex and involves researching policy, verifying with my boss and making a decision. Complaints almost always result in a change, either on the agency's part or the part of the complainer.

In today's passage we read that Micah was telling God's people He was not pleased with their behavior and had a complaint against them. Just imagine, the creator of everything, God himself had a complaint against His people. You would think they would live a righteous life to please and honor God. But they didn't, and when a complaint comes along, so does the need for a behavioral change. 

How about your life? Does God have a complaint against you? If you are living outside His will in any area of your life, He has a complaint to voice. Are you listening out for that voice, or has pride and self indulgence turned a deaf ear towards the voice of God. If it has, be prepared for God to allow painful discplining to come your way. If you are a child of God, He will not allow you to continue to live outside His will. Why? Because He loves you and wants you to live life to its fullest and He wants to bless you, rewarding you for good behavior. 

Living life "by the book", the word of God, is the only way to please Him. Read it daily and ask God to help transform your life into a reflection of His thoughts, His ways and His grace towards others. Does God have a complaint against you? If so, listen to His voice and take heed. He wants you on the path of righteousness....stay in His perfect will today. God bless.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God. 
Isaiah 43:2-3a

If you've ever attended a play, what you see before you is a story, acted out through people and props. If all goes well, the production will be smooth and easily transition from one scene to another without flaw. 

But what you don't see are all the people back stage, working to ensure everything goes right on stage. Between the person operating the lights, music, props, actors and their costumes....its a lot of work to ensure the most perfect production for its audience. 

As children of God, we too have someone in the background of our life working to ensure each step we take in life is secure and safe. To our eyes, it may not look safe and you might ask the question...."How will I get through this?". Our faith and trust in God should give us assurance our life production will go on no matter what we face. Those waters of adversity and flames of painful moments can appear to be overwhelming and defeating, But GOD has prepared the stage for success. Don't let the next scene in life keep you from stopping the show, keep moving and keep living out your part. God has your back and wants you to perform at your best for His glory. 

Are you ready for the next scene? Trust God! Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice. 1 Samuel 15:24

Peer pressure. So often we feel the pressure to follow the crowd and not pursue our individual belief and convictions. Living by God's standards takes courage and belief that His way is best. The worlds ways are always counter to His ways. They lead you down a path of self destruction. For example, how many Christian musicians do you know who have overdosed on drugs or killed them self because they felt like their life had no purpose. Sadly this is a common occurrence in the secular world of music.  Many great performers have died an early death because of the world's deception. 

Living by your personal beliefs and convictions will oftentimes find you alone. That's ok. It's better to stand alone and survive than to walk with the deceived as they fall into plunder. When you separate yourself from the world, you allow more of God's presence in your life. He will not stand next to sin and disobedience. The value of obedience is worth more than anything the world has to offer. 

Maybe today you have allowed the world's pressures to push you into behaviors unbecoming of a child of God. If you want to be truly blessed, step away and ask God to help right your fleshly vessel so you can sail towards the light and away from darkness. Nothing good happens in the darkness. Seek after Him and His ways will bring everlasting peace and joy. God bless.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

....The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

Have you ever mailed a card to someone, only to find it back in your mailbox with the following note: "More Postage Needed"? It happens when your card weighs more than the allotted amount according to the postage (stamp) you have affixed to the envelope. Oftentimes large cards or cards with something enclosed puts it over the weight limit. So, you add postage and mail it again, finally it gets to its intended destination. 

The same is true in the prayer life of a child of God. You pray for something....healing, a new job, restored marriage, help in financial difficulty......the list is endless. It seems you pray and pray with no results. Friend, keep praying. You might not hear God say "more prayers needed", but He is most likely evaluating your request to see just how much you want this request to be answered. Sometimes God allows a great deal of time to pass before your prayer is answered. He hears you and He sees your need, yet He needs your commitment to the request. Sometimes the most heavy burden requires the greatest prayers, on your knees in complete humbleness and obedience to Him. 

How about it? Got a prayer request in the outgoing mail? Is it still in the prayer box? Keep praying, pray with a fervent spirit....God will answer your prayer once the prayer postage has been met. Keep praying! 
God bless.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. 
1 Corinthians 10:14

One of my favorite things to do when I visit the Smoky Mountains is to sit along the many creeks that flow freely through the park. The sound of rustling water, making its way down the mountain, will sooth anyone's soul. One thing I always observe is the big rocks that sit in the middle of the stream. No matter how big, the water finds a way to move around or over the obstacle. Over time, the water's friction, against the rock, slowly wears it down, year after year it shrinks in size. One day that big rock will amount to nothing and be moved by the water's current. 

Today's passage tells us to flee from idolatry. Idolatry is something you treasure. It's like that big rock in the middle of the creek. Your life focuses around that thing you idolize. Maybe it's a person, thing or even an emotion you try to sustain through drugs or certain behaviors. You  mentally have a hold of this rock and won't allow anything to come between it and you, everything else in life has to move around it to get by in life. 

Friend, that very idol will wear down over time. Life and the people you associate with will keep flowing down the creek. Eventually that idol will dissolve and become a worthless stone, moved by the waters current. Maybe it's time to evaluate your life and see if there is a big stone in the middle of your creek, disrupting the flow of others who know and love you. 

Keep your life balanced and without idols. Your focus should always be on God. He is the river of life and we are one tiny part of His glory. Don't allow an idol to disrupt His flowing waters. His waters, in your life, should be soothing to those around you. Flow freely my friend and God bless!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. 
1 Peter 3:18

Yesterday while working, I heard a call go out on the radio for EMS, Fire and Police to respond to a 2 year old child locked in a car that was not running. It was warm yesterday, so it was critical to get that door open so the child could be safe in his parents arms and escape the heat that was building up in the car. Shortly after the dispatch went out, everyone was called off....the car's owner had "On-Star" and called to have them remotely unlock the door. Child was safe after one call. 

As a child of God, we sometimes find ourselves locked up in a bad situation. Poor choices and sinful actions can put you in the hot box with no means of escape. The result of your momentary lapse, can cause undue pressure and tarnish your spiritual life. But, with one call to God, He can unlock your bondage and help you escape the heat of deception. Although you may still feel the effects of your bad choices, God has forgiven you already and He wants to comfort you in His arms of grace and love. 

Bound in sin and shame? Call upon the Lord, He has the power to unlock the doors that hold you back from being the effective Christian He calls you to be. Give him a call today! God bless.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 
1 Peter 4:12-13

If you spend much time on facebook, you start to think that everyone's life is perfect, everyone is so happy....all these special moments, anniversaries and promotions. After a while it can leave you wondering why your life isn't more fulfilling. If you were able to see the moments leading up to that momentary smile you'd probably find the happy couple had a stressful moment with the kids fighting and as the moon and stars all aligned...the kids were in one place with the parents and everyone was happy that second...bam...picture taken. :) or that wedding anniversary...but if you looked over those years leading up to the. Anniversary, you'd find moments of struggles, arguments and possibly talk of separation. 

I hate to break it to you, facebook is really "fakebook". Don't put your emotions on a roller coaster by comparing your life to others. So, as today's scripture says, we will encounter fiery trials, moments when all hell breaks loose and chaos abounds. That's life, and if you could look behind the scenes, most likely Satan has orchestrated the stressful situation to rob you of joy and peace. You have to understand your position as a child of are an enemy to Satan and he will use anything to destroy what's good in your life. That what it means to endure the sufferings of Christ. As long as you bear your Jesus jersey, you have an apponent ready to tackle you.

Take life one day at a time and put your faith and trust in Jesus to see you through each moment. Life won't always be full of smiles and accomplishments....but in Christ you can find comfort, strength and joy. Trust Him every day and find joy unspeakable even through the toughest of days. God bless.

Friday, June 9, 2017

And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins.". 1 Peter 4:8

It seems today we live in an "IF" society. "IF" you make me happy I will continue to be faithful to you. "IF" you support me financially I will keep loving you. "IF" you treat me right I will treat you right. When you base your love, commitment and attitude towards others on "if", you become "conditional". "I'll treat you, how you treat me". That way of thinking makes you an unreliable child of God. 

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save us from our sins because He loved us.....we are His creation. The world hated Him, yet with unconditional love, He gave His all to save you and me from eternity in Hell. God's truest act of unconditional love should be the hallmark of our life. We shouldn't allow others behavior  determine if we will still love someone, remain faithful and respect them. As today's scripture says, "love" covers a multitude of sins. 

If God can loves us with an unconditional attitude, we (as children of God) should also love others without the "if" attitude. Loving others like this takes time and much strength from the Lord. Pray and ask God to help you remove those conditional "ifs" and replace them with unconditional love. The world needs more love and everyone without conditions! 
God bless.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

One of my passions is riding my motorcycle, almost on a daily basis. The weather is a deciding factor if it's suitable to ride. Rainy days aren't much fun and make it unsafe. Here lately I haven't been able to ride due to our daily rains. 

On several occasions I have left the house with abundant sunshine and miles of pavement lay ahead waiting to explore. But, as the day goes on, storm clouds develop and up ahead I can see weather not suitable even for someone in a car. So what do I do? I seek shelter under a church breezeway or an overpass. There, I'm safe and dry, and wait patiently for the storm to pass. If I step out from under the shelter, I'll get wet and risk injury. 

How true is our Christian journey. Most days, our morning starts out pretty well. As the day progresses, here comes Satan with his storm clouds brewing, trying to bring havoc and chaos to our life. Look ahead for the shelter of God's mighty hand friend. Stay close to Him, seek out His protection, His wisdom and grip His hand tightly to keep your feet planted firmly so the winds of deception don't pursuade you to make wrong choices. 

Always be prepared to seek Godly shelter when the storms of life come. His shelter will keep your spirit safe and bring a peace like no other, even in the most horrific of storms. Safe travels my friend and God bless.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God. John 13:3

Leading up to His death, Jesus performed several acts of servant hood to demonstrate His love towards His disciples and followers. Jesus knew who He was, His purpose and where He was going, following His death. He finished His life in complete surrender to the will of God by dying on the cross for mankind's sin. 

As a child of God, you too have been given a life, and the things and people in it, to demonstrate the character of Christ through your words and actions. Knowing that you will one day step across the barrier between earth and eternal life, should motivate you to follow His perfect will for your life. His plan , His ways are meant to grow you in your faith and bless other lives through Christ Spirit living inside of you. 

Know who you are in Christ, His purpose for your life and most of all demonstrate His character each day. He needs you to share His hope with those around you. Finish life well by being obedient to His calling, right up to the very end.     God bless.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and destroy. Who are you to judge another? James 4:11-12

A few years ago the company Holiday Inn Express had a comical commercial on TV. It showed someone in a hospital operating room, dressed like a doctor, about to perform surgery. When one of the nurses questioned if they were the doctor, the person replied "no, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express". The commercial made it seem as if you stayed at their hotel you had this great wealth of knowledge to perform any task, but in reality they were not educated and trained to perform any medical procedure.

So often is the case with God's children. We get this thought going that if we are a Christian and attend church, we are qualified to judge others based on their character and behavior. There is nothing further from the truth. Each child of God has a specific calling and our job is to remain devoted to the God given tasks before us. It doesn't matter what others say or do, it is up to God to judge them. We are to stay in our lane and not speak negatively of others, but to encourage and help them. 

Just because you might be on the right track with God, doesn't mean you can look upon others in judgment, especially speak evil against them. Leave the judging up to the expert, God himself. You've got a job to do, a job you know well....go do it and love others. 
God bless.

Monday, June 5, 2017

You shall have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3

I learned something of value at church Sunday morning. The preacher was talking about clay and how in the hands of the potter, he applies the most pressure to the clay when it gets "off center" from the wheel. As long as the clay stays centered, the potter can make something useful from the lump of clay. 

How true this is in the life of a child of God. We are referred to as clay and the potter is God. When we stay in the center of His will, He can use us for His glory and make something beautiful from our life. But once we slide off center, He has to apply pressure to push us back within His will. The center of that spinning wheel is exactly where He can use us. 

Does it seem like difficulty has arrived and you are feeling the pressures of life zapping your energy? Believe me, I've been there and it's not pleasant. Check yourself.....are you in the center of God's will? Most likely you've slid in a certain area of your life. Unless you surrender your prideful ways to the Lord, the pressure will continue until you have no strength to hold up. Keeping God at the center of every aspect of your life will keep you centered on the wheel and He won't have to allow difficulty to press you back into good standing with Him. 

Stay centered friend by keeping God at the center of your life and you will find abundant blessings and your life will have more purpose in serving Him. Have a blessed day

Sunday, June 4, 2017

So he answered and said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27

Today's verse gives us a good idea of how deep our love for God should be. It encompasses every aspect of our life, from our thoughts, actions and words spoken. God doesn't want just a portion of your life, He wants you to love Him with your all.

So, how do we know if we truly love God? One of the most powerful verses that answer that question was addressed by Jesus Christ, John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments.". This very short verse answers the big question, your obedience is how you demonstrate your love to God. When you obey His word and His direction, you exhibit your faith and trust in Him, knowing His ways are sound and will protect and preserve you. 

And the benefits of love,obedience and dedication to God? Jesus said: "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." John 15:7.  If you truly dedicate your entire life to loving and serving the Lord, He will bless you along life's journey. But it takes a commitment on your part to yeild every aspect of your life to love and trust Him. Do you love Him completely? Have a blessed day.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

One of the struggles in relationships is not knowing how someone truly feels about us. We question in our mind: do they like me, do they find me attractive and fun to be with, will they be there when times get tough, do they love me? All of these and other questions run through our mind. Even couples who've been in long term relationships often question their significant other's thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Although human relationships are nice to have, they can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. There is one relationship that doesn't have to be questioned, worried about and if that person will always there. God's love covered you before you were even born. He created you at just the right time in the history of the universe to love Him, and love others. Why, because He loved you first. His love is unending and never conditional...His love remains the same; yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

Looking for a solid relationship of love, without doubts and worries? Look no further than your creator. He loved you first, He loved you enough to sacrifice His  Son Jesus so you could come into His presence in a closeness that no human could ever accomplish. Love and trust Him and have no fears or doubts...He will be with you through all eternity. Blessings my friend.

Friday, June 2, 2017

And forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them. Psalm 78:11

Have you ever fixed something, then over time it needed fixing again....and you forgot what you did to fix it the first time? Happens to me more often as I get older. Writing it down helps, so when faced with the need to perform this task again, I can do it without trying to figure it out all over again. Having those written instructions helps my confidence knowing there is a way to fix it.

Same is true in our walk with the Lord. He is with us, 24/7, always working His power to see us through life's broken moments. On the other side of our difficulty is victory. It's so important to keep a record of these "spiritual victories". Documenting the trial, words and scripture the Lord imparted for your benefit and wisdom, and the way that He worked to bring resolution to your crises, will be good reference when you face a similar situation. It can also be good reference material when someone you know is going through the same battle and you can offer assurance from what you experienced. 

Let us never forget the goodness of God and what He has done for us. Referring back through the journal gives us confidence in knowing God is with us and wants to help see us through each crisis, big or small. He loves you, never forget His expressions of love by His handiwork in your life. God bless.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

So he (Moses) cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. Exodus 15:25

Have you ever heard someone say..."that person is so sweet, they could sweeten tea by dipping their finger in the glass". That's a pretty sweet person if true. :) 

As humans, we do things and add things to our life to make it sweeter. We sometimes become obsessed with  sweetening our life with things, relationships and passions. As soon as the thrill wares off, we are back at it....trying to add more and more. The problem is we will never be completely satisfied. Life will never be sweet enough if we work at it on our own.

But, if you allow God to work in every aspect of your life, He will sweeten it with things that far outlast what the world has to offer. In today's verse we see the Israelites had traveled for 3 days with no water, when they run upon a body of water that unfortunatly was bitter. When Moses called out to God, His hand prepared a tree that would turn bitter water into something sweet. 

What are you thirsting for in life? If you want a life full of joy, peace and satisfaction, seek after the things of God. He is your life sweetener. Sweeten it today through prayer and the bitterness of life turn into something sweet, only God can provide. God bless.