Friday, September 30, 2016

When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep". Luke 7:13

   As Jesus entered the city of Nain, he ran into a funeral procession. An only son died and was followed by his mother who was widowed as well. Can you imagine her loss....first her husband, now her only son. I'm sure it was quite noticeable to Jesus that she was in deep sorrow and loss. Jesus had compassion on her and performed a miracle by bringing her son back to life. ‎
Many people think of God as someone who is far away and has no emotion towards us. But that thought couldn't be further from the truth. You see, God created each one of His very image. He loves us unconditionally and  does have compassion on us. He knows when we hurt and suffer. He is always there...ready to comfort us and bring healing to the broken hearted. 

Maybe you are going through a time of deep sorrow and loss. Jesus is right by your side ready to wrap His perfect love around your tattered soul. All you have to do is open your eyes to His presence and look for His hand of healing in the days and weeks ahead. Lean on Him....he will bring you peace and comfort...even in the most desperate situations.

Pray to God, lean on Him and trust Him to care for you in the tomorrows to come! He will honor your request and restore that broken soul once again. Have a blessed day friend.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

But He answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. Matthew 25:12-13

Have you ever seen someone and thought you recognized them as someone you know? When you spoke to them, they didn't recall knowing or have met you. You feel at that moment a sense of embarrassment or disappointment.  

Many people believe that if they live a good life, serve in church and do good things for others, they will be saved. Yes, serving God is an act of obedience, but "works" won't get you into Heaven. 

There will come a day when everyone will stand before God to be judged. Those who believe in Jesus and have accepted Him into their life will be saved. But for those who neglected to accept Jesus, Hell will be their eternal home. 

Will Jesus recognize you as one of His Children...or will He respond...."i never knew you, depart from me". Believing in and trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior is the only way to eternal freedom in heaven. Time is drawing nearr friend, don't let your final day be the last opportunity to be in the presence of God. Accept Jesus Christ into your life, turn from sin and live for Him daily. Have a blessed day friends. ‎

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:31

 In Matthew 14: 22-33 we read about Jesus who sent his disciples in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee while he stayed behind to pray. As the disciples crossed the sea, the winds picked up and rocked the boat. In the middle of this storm, Jesus walks on the water towards them. At first they thought he was a ghost, but quickly realized it was Jesus. Once Jesus was in the boat the winds died down and there was a calm among the disciples. 

I relate this story to the storms we encounter in our life. We all have storms. No one is immune from difficulty and strife. Sometimes we see the storms coming and  othertimes they hit us so quickly we have no time to prepare. But no matter where you are in your difficulties, Jesus can and will come to you and provide the confidence you need to sustain yourself in some of life's most challenging moments. 

Are you in the middle of a storm right now? Maybe you received some bad news from the doctor, or struggling financially or your marriage is falling apart by influences beyond your control. No matter how severe the storm, Jesus will come to you in the middle of your crisis and provide the peace, comfort and courage to sail on through it. He will respond if you call upon His name. He wants to help you...but you have to be willing to ask for help, then have faith in Him by keeping  your focus on Him and not the problem. 

Jesus walked on the water...He walked on the very thing (water) that troubled the disciples...the storm driven waves. Trust me friend...Jesus can walk on your troubles to get to you and provide help. Call upon Him and He will be there when you need Him the most. Have a blessed day friends!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

And every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under earth and such as in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying..."blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever! Revelations 5:13

So much is happening in the world today: violence and murder, hateful words between people of different colors, world leaders conspiring against one another....and the Presidential debate. Reading people's comments following the debate confirms my belief that we as a nation are in trouble. 

But despite world wide fear and questionable leadership, GOD is in control. He holds the world and every living thing in order. Although man has blemished His beautiful creation, He still loves us. His desire is that we seek not security in people or things...but HIM. Nothing ever changes with God...He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Our hope, our confidence in life and our future rests solely in Him. 

Who or what is your anchor in life. I pray it's God. God's Son became mankind's anchor for security and hope in this world. His life displayed the truthful words of God and powerful healing that only God can provide. May your security rest in God and find calm in troubled times only through faith, trust and belief in Jesus Christ. 

Praise God today for His creation and His blessings in your life. No matter what man has done to our world, God still holds all things in His hand....praise and honor Him today and may you find hope for tomorrow through Him. God bless! ‎

Monday, September 26, 2016

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His Spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple ripped in two from top to bottom. 
Matthew 27:50-51

At the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the curtain inside the Holy temple was torn from top to bottom. This temple curtain was a barrier to the middle portion of the temple that was only accessed once a year by the high priest who would offer a sacrifice for the sins of people. 
The significance of this curtain being torn is symbolic of Christ life and death on earth. 

The creator of human life, God, loves us. Because of His holiness we are not able to stand in His presence because of our sinful lives. A sacrifice had to be offered to atone for our sins.  Christ was that sacrifice and paid that sin debt for us...forever. Because of His death and resurection, we don't have to separate ourselves from the world to stand in His holy presence. We can experience His presence, His holiness, anywhere 24/7. 

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Have you asked Him to forgive your sins and come into your life..believing Him,trusting Him daily? If not, you can do that right now by a simple prayer to God...something like this...."dear Jesus, I am a sinner and I deserve hell. I believe in you and know you died for my sins. I ask that you forgive my sins and come into my life so we can walk together every day. Thank you for loving me enough to die for my sins.". Amen! Your belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ has just washed you clean of your can now experience to presence of God in your life. 

The door to His holy presence is open to receive you...walk in and experience true peace, joy and freedom as you journey through life with God.  
Have a blessed day! ‎

Sunday, September 25, 2016

By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given of His Spirit. 
1 John 4:13

Have you ever left home, got to your destination and realized you forgot to bring your cell phone? That moment of panic, you feel disconnected from everyone.

The second most stressful situation...low battery power. When it gets low you quickly look for a power source to recharge the device. And if the battery goes dead you feel helpless. Goodness...what has our world come to??

As Christians we have a communication plan that is free of charge, no roaming fees apply and the device itself resides inside you, so no need to remember to grab it on the go. And the most awesome never looses power! Actually it will charge you when you are running low on energy. 

This device is the Holy Spirit. God's spirit living inside of you. Always on, always available and it's a continual "open line" ready for communication through prayer...talking directly to God. Sadly, the majority of us will text and talk about useless conversation in a day than talk to God for a few seconds...maybe a few minutes. 

Over my lifetime I have relied on God's communication plan to guide me and I found the more I communicate with Him, the more clearly I hear His voice and His message has meaning!! But...I've found it only works when utilized. Someone already paid for the plan...Jesus Christ. His sacrafice on the cross paved the way for God's Spirit to reside in every believer. 

Don't let the best communication plan go by the wayside. Use it, communicate with God today and hear His voice as he guides you on the path forward through EVERY situation you encounter! You will find more meaning in the messages and purpose for your life. Have a blessed day friends.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord. Nor detest His correction: for whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights. 
Proverbs 3:11-12

As a child growing up I had a healthy fear and respect for my dad. His love for me was displayed by His firmness in decisions and expectations for my behavior. When I acted in a way that was less than His acceptance, I was met with His discipline. It might have been through words or a painful action of spanking or something taken away. 

The God we serve is no different. He loves us unconditionally. Yet, He has expectations for us as His children. When we act outside of His will we are met with discomfort and sometimes with painful experiences to get us back on track. God knows the kind of life we should live through our thoughts and behaviors. Anything less than complete obedience will be met with His loving hand of discipline. 

Maybe you are in the middle of God's discipline. Don't fret...He loves you and will help get you back within His graces. It might take time and painfully got yourself there...God is working you through it. Thank Him for loving you enough to sustain you through this time of cleansing the spirit of unrighteousness. 

If you are walking in obedience, awesome for you! Continue to keep in step with God. Living under God's love and knowing He will discipline you when you are out of sync is enough to keep anyone in line. 

Walk inside God's graces and experience His blessings. If you get out of sync, know that He loves you enough to do what's necessary to bring you back within His will. Trust God daily and live for Him. Have a blessed day!‎

Friday, September 23, 2016

And you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their alters. But you have not obeyed My voice. Why have you done this? Judges 2:2‎

 The old saying "you reap what you sow" has a lot of relevance in this passage. God provided a land for his people and warned them to tear down the inhabitants alters and drive out these people. Once again the Israelites failed to completely obey God and He responded in the next verse: "therefore I also said, "I will not drive them out before you; but they shall be thorns in your side, and their gods shall be a snare to you" Judges 2:3  The Israelis decision to not completely follow God's command resulted in complications down the road. 

Have you ever heard the voice of God speak to you? If you are in tune with Him, you can hear Him speak words of wisdom and guidance for your life. Sometimes He calls us to take a specific action and we must obey. If we chose to partially obey, we can and will have to face the consequences of our decisions. God calls us to action as part of His perfect plan. What He calls us to do might not seem logical, but His plan is greater than ours. He has a specific plan that involves more than just you. You must put your trust in Him and obey. 

What has God called you to do today? Maybe it doesn't make sense. Maybe it will have a negative impact on others. But...if God has called you to action, you need to move on it without question. God will bless you for your obedience. Trust God always...His plan is greater than yours. Obedience equals God's blessings. Trust Him today! God bless friends. ‎

Thursday, September 22, 2016

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 
1 Peter 5:10 ‎

As a baby develops he starts crawling, then eventually attempts to walk. Although he wobbles, falls down and sometimes injures himself...he continues his efforts to take each step til he has perfected his ability to walk. For a parent watching their child walk can be a scary but exciting time. You don't want them to get hurt so you hold their hand...but you know you gotta let go sometimes so they have the confidence to take the next step on their own. ‎

The same is true with us as Christians. At the beginning of our new walk with the Lord, we wobble, stumble and still make many mistakes along the way, yet God continues to remain by our side...loving and encouraging us. As we continue our journey, we grow our faith and learn to trust him more. We learn that an obedinet walk with the Lord strengthens our steps and results in stronger faith and abundant blessings. ‎

Unfortunately, there will be times of strife, disappointments and hurt in life and we fall down or bump into something unexpected. Where is God at that moment you ask! Friend, He is still by your side...loving and encouraging you...telling you to "get back up"...don't stay down...your faith is stronger than what Satan tries to tell you. That old Satan will try to make the pain of the fall hurt...and sometimes it is very painful...but God never meant for you to go back to crawling! Get up and keep walkin. God has you wrapped up in His loving protection and care. 

Maybe you are at a time in your life where you've fallen and the pain is so real...all you want to do is lay down and cry. Don't stay there! Time to wipe the tears and take God's hand to help you up and move forward. You can do were meant to walk with the Lord! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"! Hold His hand and start walking again! God bless!  ‎

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

 You hear news where a man lifts a car off someone pinned underneath or a person runs into a burning house to rescue a baby left inside. These heroes display miraculous strength and courage...but where does it come from?'s a powerful hormone in the body that is released when a person encounters a stressful situation. It's effect can make a person do things that are unheard of forthe average person. Just one of God's special traits He put in us for survival. 

So often in our daily lives we encounter difficult burdens or significant challenges that leave us in fear and feeling overwhelmed. As we look at these mountain high obstacles, we feel helpless and try to figure out how we are going to get through this situation with our own strength. ‎

The solution? God! We have the power of God living inside us through the Holy Spirit. He is available 24/7....all we have to do is stop and talk with Him in prayer....asking for His help. By telling God you can't do this on your own, He steps in and provides you the strength, confidence and wisdom to move forward. Yea we might be a little scared and worry some...but God is faithful and will see you through every step of the process. Just lean on Him and stay close so you can hear His voice. 

What great feat is ahead of you today? It might not be saving someone from a burning building...but it might be a job interview, an issue at work or home or maybe a doctor's appointment that could change your life's direction. Take it one step at a time and make the first step with God. Allowing Him to be a part of your problem will be the source of your strength and confidence to face it head on! Give it to Him today and watch as you do great and mighty things together. Have a blessed day friends and stay safe! ‎

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

And when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe. Mark 16:11

 After the death of Jesus, his disciples hope for the future was shattered. These men gave up their jobs to follow Jesus. Now in the grief of his passing, they felt a huge void in their life. Paralyzed by fear and grief they were helpless.

Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead (as He predicted) and had brief encounters with the various people that journeyed with Him pre-crucifixion.  As scripture accounts, the disciples did not not believe at first. Even when He appeared before them, they still struggled to believe He was alive. But He was alive and He did conquor death. 

From the cross to the grave, from the grave to new life. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe He died and rose again? He came back to life so we can have fellowship with God through our faith and belief in Jesus Christ. When we trust in Him, He makes His presence known to us. Our faith is like eyes....the more faith we have in Him, the better our eye sight will be to see Him working in our life. 

Jesus Christ is real. 33 years of life ended with the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Through His resurrection, we can have faith in God, hope for the future and a story to tell about Jesus to a lost and unbelieving world. Share the good news with someone today! God bless. ‎

Monday, September 19, 2016

Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5 

This is one of five verses in Matthew 7:1-5 that talk about judging other people. Verse 5 is interesting in the fact that it states we have a plank in our eyes. That's a big piece of wood. 

What causes a person to judge someone? Possibly pride, personal insecurities, or simply wanting oneself to look better than another. Talking about someone's faults or sins erodes that person's character. Judgment is God's responsibility, not yours. And besides, you don't know what is going on in that person's life. What we see on the outside is just a fraction of what's happening on the inside of a person's heart, mind and soul. 

So how can we possibly overcome the act of judging others? I believe if we can train our eyes to see people through the eyes of Jesus we won't judge, but love everyone. Through Jesus eyes we will love others, see the needs of others and pray for those who are lost or need guidance. We should spend more time helping each other and speaking words of encouragement, not discouragement.  

For some people, talking about others (gossip) is a real problem...and a sin. If you battle the temptation to  gossip, simply remember this: STOP=STOP-TALKING and OFFER -PRAYER. The next time you find yourself about to gossip remember these four words...stop talking and offer up prayer for that person. Ask God to help you see others through the eyes of Christ. By doing so your heart will turn from criticism to love. 

It's easy to see the faults of others, but if we honestly take a look at our weaknesses we are no better than the person our eyes are targeted on. Only one person is sinless, and that is Jesus Christ who died for everyone's sins. Share the good news with someone today and offer up prayer for those who need God's grace. God will bless you for seeing others through the eyes of Christ. Have a blessed day friends. ‎

Sunday, September 18, 2016

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matthew 7:11‎

One of the most memorable gifts I remember receiving was a golf set from my grandparents when I was a youngster. My face lit up with joy as I had my own set of clubs. At that moment of surprise someone took my picture. My face said it all...pure happiness. 

As humans we have a gift from God....salvation through Jesus Christ.  His free gift is available to anyone with an open heart to receive Him and ask Him to come into their life. From the moment of acceptance, Salvation never fades, it never gathers dust or is forgotten. It's an eternal gift than can't be taken away. 

As Christians, how we live our life shows the value we put into this wonderful gift. Walking daily with the Lord through prayer, scripture reading and turning away from sin displays the genuine appreciation a person has for his eternal gift. Your life should be an example for those who have not yet recieved Jesus into their life. People should want the joy, peace and confidence you have.  

Where is your gift? Is it locked up in the back of your mind as one of the decisions you made in life? Or are you utilizing every aspect of your gift...being a living testament of your faith in Jesus Christ. Walk with thr Lord daily and live out your faith to a dark and hopeless world. They need what you have....share with them. Love someone today! God bless. ‎

Saturday, September 17, 2016

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2:2

 Here lately I seem to be surrounded by newborn babies. It's pretty special watching a baby as he grows and develops...he responds to smiling faces, holds his head up more steadily and seems to be on a regular, sleep, and observe his new surroundings. 

One things for sure...when that little guy is hungry you know it. He relies on that milk for strength, growth and satisfaction. Until he has it provided to him, he will cry and fuss. Sometimes a pacifier is needed in between meals to keep him preocupied. 

Peter relates the same concept to a Christian and God's word. The bible is clearly the thoughts and inspiration of God himself , provided to us for growth, strength of faith and answers to everyday situations. I've found the more I go back to the bible for noursihment, my day is more stable and I relate back to scripture God has put before me in my quiet time. 

As Christians, without a daily intake of God's word, you will hunger....and the danger in that is you'll be tempted to feast on the world's food....which is not healthy for Christian growth. Worldly satisfaction leads to addictions, unrighteous behavior and your body susepitble to disease and even premature death. 

If you haven't started, pick up the bible each morning and read scripture. Find a good devotional to help guide your study. I use a daily devotion by Dr Charles Stanley through Make it a routine to check back with God's word throughout the day for nuggets of wisdom and guidance. A spirit satisfied and nourished won't need the toxic food of the world. 

Stay in God's word and grow to be more like Christ. God will bless your willingness to set aside time to talk with Him in prayer and feed on His holy word. Have a blessed day friends. ‎

Friday, September 16, 2016

And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28

 Most people in life live in a "reactive" or defensive stance. They meander through life without any direction. When crises hits they do their best to resolve it in the quickest and most easy way possible. This ongoing cycle continues as they walk their way to the grave. 

If you believe in God and have accepted His free gift of salvation you need to know God has a purpose for your life. That purpose is to glorify Him through your life. No single person is duplicated. God uses each of us in a special way as we all "fit" together in the body of Christ. 

There is value in vision. Without a vision we will easily become distracted by life's obstacles to success. Vision helps us keep focus on His purpose and where He wants us to be tomorrow and continuing thru life til we reach our home in Heaven. 

How do we obtain our "vision"? By surrendering ourselves completely to God, asking for His guidance and direction then sticking to His plan. Unless you have a God given plan, you will surely march in the wrong direction. 

What's your vision? Do you have one? God has great plans for you and will bless you tremendously if you accept His plan, His Vision for your life. Seek Him out today! God bless friends!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 1 John 1:5-6

Have you ever seen a car that was recently cleaned and waxed? It's shiny clean paint...makes the car look brand new. If properly cleaned and waxed it will reflect the sun so well that your eyes will squint. A lot of time and effort goes into detailing a car. But, all the hard work is worth it when the owner appreciates the car's fresh look. 
You can almost consider us to be just like that car. Before accepting Christ we were dirty, dull and not capable of reflecting the sun light off our paint. But, once acceptance of Christ happens we get an immediate car wash....all the sin and unrighteous things we've done is washed off and we become spotless. 

The car wash is only the beginning. Next comes the wax job. This takes time to obtain that perfect shine. The car may be clean, but the paint has a residue from the dirt and stains. Wax digs deep into the paint to remove it so the paint will shine like new. Same is true in our lives. As we grow closer to the Lord He rubs that polish on our surface using pressure to remove the sin stains...just as if they never existed. Our sins are eternally forgotten. 

Some areas of our life take years of God's steady hand...polishing away the stains of the past..and through time we will be able to reflect His light from our life. But realize it's a process. Our shine doesn't happen over night. It takes a daily commitment to follow His lead and avoid sinful living. As you grow closer to the Lord, through prayer, bible study and confessing sin, your heart longs to please Him and you find it easier to avoid sinful things that tarnish God's work. It takes a person totally surrendered to Christ so He can apply the polish and make you reflect His light to a darkened world. 

How about your shine on yet? Avoid the mud puddles of sin, stay off the dirt roads of unrighteous living and allow God to apply His presence in your life so you can mirror His light. It's worth the time and we cross into our new life and hear Him say...good job my faithful child. Shine on! God bless. ‎

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

 The first account of someone performing CPR is found in Genesis. God breathed life into Adam's nostrils and he came to life. Can you imagine being Adam....coming to life in this new world created by God? I'm sure is was a magnificent sight to behold and experience. 

Do you ever question who you are and your purpose in life? I think we all do at times and that's good...we need to seek out God's will for our lives and the future that awaits us. And just because you are currently in a full time career doesn't mean God doesn't have other plans for you. We always need to be open and ready to seek His direction in our life. 

Take a few minutes today and read the first chapter in Genesis. You'll find that the world was created by God and everything in it...the animals, plants, outer space and the Heavens. He created a blank canvas with opportunities for us to paint our life story. He created you to enjoy the beauty of His handiwork. 

What's on your canvas so far? Maybe there isn't much to look at....most likely there are some parts of the canvas that don't seem to resemble anything of value or purpose. That's ok. No artist creates a masterpiece over night. It takes time for perfection to develop. By putting your faith and trust in God to help you seek out the plans He has for your life , your canvas will begin to have a theme, a purpose and beauty like no one else's. 

It's your canvas. God created you...did you get that? God created you, you have purpose in this beautiful world He it and find it with Him and you'll paint a one of a kind masterpiece all for the glory of God! Grab your brush and paint something special today! Have a blessed day friend! ‎

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. John 3:13-14
Recounting the story of Jesus meeting a Samaritian woman at the well, Jesus breaks the ice with this woman....asking her for a drink of water. The woman was shocked that a Jewish man would speak to her. But Jesus wasn't just an ordinary man...He was the Savior this woman needed. Her life was riddled with a sinful past and her current state was far from God's standards. 

As Christians we encounter people every day that are spiritually lost and need the "living water" that only Jesus can provide. But who will tell them about Christ's sacrifice for our sin debt? If we follow Jesus example, we too will break the ice and share the good news of Jesus Christ with those we encounter. What's holding you back? 

Pray that God will open the door for you to share about Christ eternal gift of salvation with people you meet today. Bridge the gap between the gift you posses and their need for a Savior. The world is thirsty friends...quench their thirst today by breaking the ice and watch God work through your encounters. Have a blessed day! ‎

Monday, September 12, 2016

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2

If you like coffee you look forward to it every morning to help get your day started. Just the smell of coffee stirs up a desire to have a cup. But...for me, one cup is never enough...I always want a second cup...and sometimes a 3rd cup is necessary if I want to stay awake after a restless night.  

Coffee, like most everything refreshes our desire, thirst or feelings...but it never last. We always want or need more of it. As we become dependent upon the thing that brings happiness we desire it more and more....til it consumes us and our thinking. 

The Apostle Paul wrote to the saints in Colosse telling them to focus on things above and not things on earth. He knew the importance of putting our eyes on Jesus. Through the power and work of the Holy Spirit (living inside us) we can find unending pleasure in the Lord. His joy, His pleasures and His presence NEVER goes away. He continually fills your life with bountiful blessings. Finding true happiness and satisfaction in the Lord will never leave you feeling empty...His Spirit will continually nourish your life. 

Maybe there is something or someone in your life that you desire but has left you wanting more and more. It's like you can't get enough and it totally consumes your thinking. Precious time is lost on something temporary friend. Turn your focus from temporary and look to God for fulfilment and total satisfaction that last. If you trust Him enough He will meet all your needs! Have marvelous Monday friends and God bless!! ‎

Sunday, September 11, 2016

For when they say "Peace and safety!" Then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 
1 Thessalonians 5:3

15 years ago today the World Trade Center and Pentagon were targets of a vicious terrorist attack on American soil. Almost 3000 people lost their life that day, September 11, 2001. Vivid images still haunt my mind as I reflect over what happened on that horrendous day. ‎
After some thought...have you ever wondered why it happened on 9/11? I believe God was giving America a "wake up call!". When we have an emergency the first thing we do is dial 9-1-1 on the phone to get help. Although this plotted attack could have happened on any happened on 9/11. 
Years leading up to that date, the government and it's judicial system was successful in removing God honoring acts of worship and activities in schools and other public places. Acceptance was given to people who clearly violated God's commandments. The voice of the Christian body was not spoken loudly...thus change occured and God was not pleased. As we drifted further away from Him, so did His hand of protection and blessing on this country. Terrorist had an open door to attack. 

I'll never forget though, following the attacks people proudly displayed the American flag at their homes and church attendance was on the rise...more people prayed and accepted Christ. That one event stirred and moved the hearts of Americans toward God. 

Today, we are right back to where we were leading up to 9/11. New laws have been past that are an "abomination" to God....and acceptance has become the norm. Displays of the Ten commandment have been removed from most buildings....and my gosh...even the American flag has been removed from some places!! Whew....i could go on and on. Just watch the news and you will see....we live in a society that has nothing to do with God. Where is the voice of God....why is His followers so silent?

If you are a Christian, believe me...the pot is boiling and time is drawing near. Unless we as a nation shift back towards God, our country is vulnerable because we have moved from God's protection. He doesn't chase after us. He doesn't move...He is the same yesterday, today and we know where to find Him. Americans...draw back to His loving arms before it's too late! Christians...speak up...gather together and voice your objections to acceptance and laws the violate God's standards.  Or else, we will have another tragic event...much worse than 9/11. 

Emergency...this country needs God to respond...are you ready to call for help? Honoring those victims of 9/11 and praying our country never sees another such event, but a worldwide revolution for God! God bless America. ‎

Saturday, September 10, 2016

 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14


September 10, 2001….2,996 people woke on this morning and prepared for the day. 24 hours later each one of their lives would come to an end on the awful day of September 11, 2001. Did they know 24 hours later their life would end? Possibly….some might have had a bad feeling or dream about some horrific event. But no one knew and stopped living. They kept on moving forward in their everyday life.


Human life is so fragile. Its by the grace of God that we take our next breath, our heart beats one more time and in a single moment its over. Are you ready? Are you prepared for the day of your passing? No one plans their death or knows the date and time….its unknown. Only God knows when your time will end.


What are you doing today to prepare for that new life tomorrow? Its so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life that we forget our Heavenly perspective….our eternal destination. But its coming and could come moments from now. The only thing that matters in life is your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only way to reach eternal life in Heaven. And as a Child of God, it is your duty to share the love of Christ with those around you!


Someone in your circle of friends or co-workers is heading to an eternal place called Hell. You know they are lost….are you willing to be a part of that rescue? Don’t hold back, help the lost and dying. They are lost in the smoke and craziness of worldly living that they don’t see the only way out. Be someone’s rescuer today and share the good news! Tomorrow is not promised so act today and have no regrets! God will bless you for your obedience!


Friday, September 9, 2016

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

While traveling around yesterday I saw a man sitting along side the road with a sign that read..."down on luck, lost job, no home, need a job and food. Please help". I stopped to visit with him and another man who was there. Sharing a little of what I had...gave me the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Fortunately both believed in Jesus. We prayed and I left. 

The message I shared with that man named Michael....this world is unforgiving. Things can and do happen that leave us in a helpless state. So much so, that it's hard to even stand up. It's like everything that supports you is gone and we have no where to look but up.  That truly was the case for Michael. 

The good news is God will help those in their humble state. Sometimes God allows things to happen in our life that result in significant loss...and we come to the realization that we can't do it on our own. It's at that point, through our great loss we have more room in our heart for God's holy presence. There is nothing sweeter for a person than to feel the presence of God with you. Nothing and I mean nothing in this world matters as much as our relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. 
He alone will supply all your needs. 

Today, maybe you aren't homeless, but have experienced a great loss....job, loved one, home, good health. In your humble state, realize that God is there, ready to fill you with His presence and you can stand up again in life and move forward. The devil can knock you down, but God will lift you up. Standing on the promises of God's word is victory over our enemy Satan. God loves you friend and is ready to lift you up....put your faith and trust in Him. God bless!


Thursday, September 8, 2016

    I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 
Galations 2:20

 When a couple comes together and eventually get married, they both have to sift through their "stuff" and determine what to keep and what to throw away. By doing this, it makes room for items the couple will purchase and possess together...such as cook wear, furniture...and so forth. Unless there is a thinning of possessions, there will be too much stuff to bring into the home. 

Once we accept Christ into our life, we  should constantly be sifting through our life...our possessions, friends, habits, pleasures. We should "crucify" those things that don't belong in the presence of God. His Spirit resides in us....nothing unholy should take up room in our life or heart. 

By removing those things, people and habits that aren't pleasing to the Lord, it makes room for Him to work in our life. Cluttering our lives with the "ways of the world" takes away God's blessings for our life. How can he do great things in us, through us and for us IF all we give Him is junk?

Maybe God has been speaking to you about a certain habit, person, activity that you know is not God pleasing. Don't push back, accept His prompting and give it up for the sake of Christ. By doing so your walk with the Lord will be more intimate and blessings are sure to follow for your obedience. What are you willing to crucify today? Have an awesome day friends. God bless.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. 
Hebrews 13:8

Have you ever noticed the changes that occur in a day's time? Time (goes by quickly), people's attitudes,  traffic on the freeway, relationships, position of the sun and moon...the list is endless and changing constantly. Not much stays the same day in and day out.

We live in a world that hungers for change. Most people get bored easily if change does not occur. Is change good? I'd say YES. God created our planet that moves and changes by the second. Change can be good. At the same time changes can be frustrating and make us feel uncomfortable and unsure of the future. ‎

One thing is for sure, God doesn't change. No matter what is happening in your life He is always there....ready to provide stability in unstable times. Often times our relationship with Him changes and we stray away from Him due to our disobedience. Just remember, no matter your justification for the lifestyle you live may differ from God, His feelings towards sin remains the same. Public opinion and Federal laws can be changed, which go against His basic principles for righteous living....but His opinion never changes.

Why does God stay the same in all aspects of His being? Because He knows what is truly right, truly worthy of our attention....He remains the same so when we are off course....we know right where to find Him. He is never hard to find and welcomes your complete awarenss of His presence so He can susatin you amongst the ever changing world we live. 

Let's get back to the basics of God's laws, principles and Christ like character so we can stand on firm ground and bring glory and honor to the creator of life. He is there, ready to receive you...walk to Him today and thank Him for His steady hand reaching out to you in love. He will bless you for staying close to the unmovable God. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:11

Have you ever stepped outside at night and gazed at the stars....millions of little lights without end, witnessed the birth of a child or seen the ocean...wave after wave, mile after mile....its a vast body of water. These and other magnificent wonders are all creations of God. By His words he called the world we live into existence. 

As Christians, we need to come to the realization that our life and every aspect of it was called into existence for one purpose, to bring glory to God. Through your life, you can honor God through living a Christ centered life...loving others, sharing the abundant blessings of possessions with others in need and most of all, telling the lost about what you have found through God's grace...a Savior named Jesus Christ. 

Have you ever witnessed the transformation of someone from being a lost soul to someone who accepted Christ and became a Child of God? There is nothing more moving than to see a darkened soul come to life. Bring glory to God today by your actions and words, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and opening the eyes of the world to the realization that everything in it was authored by God. 

Take time today to thank God for his creation and the blessings he has placed in your life. Praise Him, for He is worthy of your praise! Have an amazing day...
God Bless! 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Christian‎
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. 
1 Peter 3:18

Have you ever completed a job only to find out someone else already did it....and did it better than you? You probably have encountered this in your life. You worked so hard and put forth effort only to find it was in vain. 

Since Christ's death on the cross, many people labor in their ways...trying to do right, live they can earn their way to Heaven. When they sin, it makes them work even harder. What a life of frustration. 

Friend, you can NOT work your way into Heaven. We are all fleshly in nature, we are bound to sin. Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". We as humans can't do it...only by accepting Jesus Christ into your life and receiving the free gift of salvation (forgiveness of sins) will you be able to know in confidence that Heaven will be your home. 

Jesus Christ did the work you could not do. Why continue in your efforts to gain acceptance when acceptance of Jesus Christ is free for anyone who asks. Thank Jesus for all He has done for you, receive Him today and experience His unconditional love for you. God bless friends and happy Labor Day! ‎

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:17

 Have you ever written out plans to construct or do something? Maybe it was plans to build a shed, furniture, plans to take a vacation or simply an organized road trip. When we make plans, we have confidence knowing we can construct the object we designed or know we can make the trip because we have a vehicle to get our journey started. But plans become worthless if we don't follow through to start construction or hit the road. 

The same is true with the Christian life. By faith we believe in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross for our sins. By accepting Christ into our life we are a child of God. God enacted a plan to have a personal relationship with His creation. He initiated His plan through Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled His purpose and constructed that bridge between God and mankind. 

God has a plan for each Child of God. As obedient children we should continually search out God's purpose for our life and keep working with His plan as we grow in our relationship with Him. Unless we are willing to do His will and follow His lead....his plan for us is useless...and eventually we will become like a fruitless vine....cut off and thrown into the fire. John 15:1-8

God has a special plan...a project...for your life. Seek it out, act upon it and keep your faith alive in Christ. God will bless your life through your obedience. Are you ready to get started! God bless friends!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Be still and know that I am God:
I will be exalted among the nation's, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
If we are going to see America get back to being a Godly nation, we need to start with ourselves. As Christians, we are a living testament of Jesus Christ. Our priorities, focus, actions, thoughts and words should center around God's instructions for living. 

The only way we can live by biblical standards is to read and study it daily. What we put into our minds begins to transform and shape every aspect of our life. Unless we crack the book we will have no true direction on how to live lifestyle that reflects the character of Christ.  ‎
This requires quiet time with the Lord. Listening to His voice as He speaks to you every day. His voice can ONLY be heard when we surrender our time and walk in obedience. The journey to obedient living can and will be difficult....satan is always attacking those who draw close to God. BUT, satan has been defeated....he is simply a mire distraction to your williness to walk closely with God. Ignore and bind satan in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

It starts with you! What you show others by living a Godly lifestyle can influence the world around you. Take time each day to read, pray and focus on Him. It's up to you...are you willing to make America a Godly nation? Have a blessed day friends. ‎

Friday, September 2, 2016

But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. ‎
1 John 3:17-18

 If you keep your eyes open when out in the world, on occasion, you will notice someone doing an act of kindness for someone....opening the door, helping an elderly person load groceries into their car, pick up someone's books they just dropped. There are so many opportunities to express acts of kindness. 

When we see these actions, they usually spill over into us who witnessed them...thus prompting us to jump at the opportunity to perform unselfish acts of kindness. There is nothing more special in life than helping someone in need. ‎

But what prompts us to take an extra step or minute to help others? If you are a Christian it's most likely the presence of God living inside of you through the Holy Spirit's encouragement to express love through "action". 

Do you help you take some time out of your busy day to give support for those in need? You don't have to look hard to find opportunities to help. If you find it hard to take that extra step, ask God to give you the patience, the willingness and heart to express Christ love through selfless acts of service. By doing so others will see the presence of Christ in your life and want to do the same for others. 

Pay it forward today and make time for others...God will give you back that time in full and bless you for your obedience. God bless friends. ‎

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Does a spring send forth fresh water or bitter from the same opening?
James 3:11‎

 I recall a time in our town when someone from the water treatment plant failed to add chemicals to the filtration system and entire city experienced the taste of lake water for weeks. It was an awful experience. Most stores in town could not keep a supply of bottled water. 

As humans, what comes out of our mouth is a good indicator of the filtration system we have in our heart. If vulgar and wicked things are said, it's safe to assume the presence of God is not in the heart of that person. So why then do some Christians speak words that don't reflect the image of Christ? Something to think about. 

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside. The Spirit acts as a filtration system for the words we speak, ONLY if we feed and nourish our minds and hearts by reading God's word, praying and making Him part of our daily life. By doing so, we empower the Spirit to filter out our minds and hearts of the impurities that can be generated by living in an ungodly society. 

Where does your source of refreshment come from? The world or from God? Your words are one of the best indicators of your heart's spiritual condition. If you know your words aren't a reflection of the person you truly desire to be, ask God to filter out the world from your mind and heart so you can be a well spring of holiness in your daily speech. God will honor your request and transform your words to bring Him glory. 

Check your heart by the flavor of your words. May they be refreshing and a blessing to others. Have a wonderful day friends and God bless! ‎