Saturday, December 31, 2016

You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11

 In my daily interactions with people I hear some say they are glad to see 2016 end and a new year begin...for others this was a good year and look forward to 2017. What's your summation of 2016? Have you looked back to analyze the good and bad times? Hopefully the good far outweighed the bad. 

As Christians, I think it's very important to know that God desires for you to have a positive attitude and embrace each moment weather good or bad. God has a purpose for each blessing and hurdle that comes your way and it's part of His plan to encourage you, mature you and grow in your relationship with Him. Nothing happens outside His knowledge or protective hand. 

With that said, we should rejoice in everything that's happened this year and know that it's being used for your benefit. Your possessions, or lack of, aren't a sign of God's blessings and love for's the life He has given to you. A life open to God's possibilities and pursuing opportunities for spiritual growth is what we are called to do...all for His glory. 

Give God thanks for 2016. You survived the year and He has blessed you with another day. Look to 2017 with eagerness to serve Him daily and pursuing His plan for your life through prayer and reading the bible. God bless and Happy New Year friend!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:12

Just a few days from now everyone will be celebrating a new year. Most people reflect back over the year and think about significant events that occurred and look over everything they possess. It's good to reflect over life to see where you've been and how far you've come over time. 

There is one thing, one person, you don't want to be without as you enter 2017 and that is Jesus Christ. Believing in His death on the cross for your sins and raised back to life after 3 days is the victory Christians have through God's Son. He is the way to eternal life in Heaven. The alternative to not having Him, is eternal death, forever seperated from His presence in hell. 

Have you accepted Him into your life? Does your life reflect His presence living inside you..."For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome." 1 John 5:3. If you have never accepted Jesus into your life, all you have to do is believe that Jesus Christ paid your sin debt on the cross, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to come into your life and live for Him daily. ‎

Don't step into 2017 without Jesus Christ. He is the real thing, the real person you'll ever need to satisfy every desire, every need and will bring unspeakable joy into your life for all eternity. Do you have Jesus? 
God bless!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

As fleshly humans, we are bent toward sin. We are weak willed in certain areas of our life and our trademark sins weaken the living light inside of us. We are saved by grace through our faith and trust in the Lord to redeem us from our wicked ways. Yet those same sins keep rearing their ugly head over and over again. 

How can we rid ourselves of those repeated sins? I think the question you need to ask is "how much do I truly love Christ and want to please Him with my life"? If we love Him enough, it will be no struggle to turn from sin and walk in obedience. In order for Christ to ablosih sin, He became the very thing He intended to conquor...flesh. He left His throne and came to earth to represent mankind's tresspasses on the cross so you and I could have the closest relationship possible. He crucified our sins through His body. 

As you quickly approach the beginning of a new year, survey your much do you love God? Pray for God to condition your heart to love Him more each day. Then think about those sins that seem to repeat themselves and turn them over to Christ.  He has already crucified them on the cross.....dont hold onto them any longer. Release your sin tendancies and walk in newness as 2017 comes to dawn. Start a new year fresh and sin conquored life....your debt has been paid in free in Him today. God bless.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness. Psalm 95:8

Sin, it's enticing, it's smooth, it generates a temporary "high" and it's addictive. When Satan temps us, we immediately begin to process the sin action or thought. We ask ourselves if we can do this...and look for ways to justify the very action that is in complete opposition to God's commands or spiritual prompting to turn from it.

Once we've convinced our self to pursue this temptation, our heart becomes calloused and less sensitive to God's Holy Spirit trying to keep us safe from worldly influences. As we continue in that sin, our ability to hear God's voice is almost deafened and we begin to walk in complete darkness with no point of reference...."the wilderness". God's presence is not in the you are vulnerable to Satan's promptings. Eventually any resemblance of Christ in you and your spiritual "light" is covered by sin and shame.

Friend, don't allow temptation to rule your life. God needs a tender heart to work His will and way to bring glory and honor to Him and abundant blessings your way. His way is always best and keeps you free from the world's toxins that dim the light living inside you. I recall a childhood song in church...."hide it under a bushel NO, I'm gonna let it shine". Shine for Jesus today and remain obedient to His calling. Life will be more peaceful and joyful as you walk in His presence daily. God bless. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

And the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary saying..."and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. Luke 1:31

Can you imagine if JESUS was brought into the world this day and time? Social media and news reporters would have Mary's entire experience covered from the announcement of pregnancy (and it's a boy) through birth and beyond. Most likely within a few days the entire world would know about Jesus birth.

As you read the scripture though, the announcement of Mary's pregnancy came by an angel. Upon His birth, shepherds were notified by an angel and the wise men were led by the bright star. Word didn't spread rapidly back 2000 years ago....but through time the birth of Christ and His life's purpose has reached out to countless numbers of people, worldwide, who have believed and accepted Jesus Christ offer of forgiveness of sins. 

Sadly, even in today's world there are so many who still don't understand the purpose of Christ. They might know every fact about "Santa" and Christmas traditions....but totally in the dark about the simple, sweet message of Jesus Christ. 

I encourage you on this day, share the news of Jesus birth and the purpose for His life with those around you. Word of mouth carries the message further than any social media site can offer. Jesus instructed believers to spread the gospel to the lost. Share the good news today! We have much to be thankful for this Christmas day! Merry Christmas and God bless!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrappped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a Manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 
Luke 2:7

Imagine traveling a great distance, you are tired from the drive and ready to stop at a hotel to rest. Upon entrance to the hotel, the clerks tells you he has no rooms available and there is no hotel for another 100 miles. Seeing your look of frustration, the clerk offers you a cot and says you can sleep in the storage shed out back. Not the best accommodations, but given the fact you are too exhausted to drive any accept his offer. 

This is just about the same situation with Mary and Joseph...with baby Jesus on His way to be birthed into the world. For God's Son, it's the most humbling of circumstances...born in a barn, laid in a manger.  God did not send His son to live in lifestyles of the rich and famous, no...He came to deliver the world from sin....the one thing that brings division between God and His creation....US! 

My question to you on Christmas you have room in your heart for Jesus? Is your life too full of the world for Jesus to live in you?  If so, you are missing out on daily blessings and an eternal reward of residency in Heaven. Believing in Jesus Christ and trusting that He died on the cross for your sins is the beginning of salvation...the next step is asking Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins and walk daily with every aspect of your life. It's that simple. 

From the wealthiest and most intelligent to the poorest and simple minded person, Christ offers His forgiveness to everyone. Is He standing at the door of your heart today? Open the door and let Him come into your life and experience the most treasured gift of all...eternal security in Him. Welcome Jesus into your heart today! 
God bless.

Friday, December 23, 2016

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

As we celebrate Christmas, let's never forget the truest meaning of this joyous holiday, Jesus Christ. God in the flesh, came to earth to commune, in person, with His creation. Although many rejected Him, He transformed the lives of many lost in their sinful ways into a beautiful Child of God. 

Although Jesus 33 years of life offered a glimpse of God's character and what He expects from us, His main purpose was to take on mankind's sin debt and pay for our transgressions through His death on the cross. 3 days later He arose, victorious over death, giving us hope for tomorrow and a bridge linking mankind to God in the most intimate of relationships. There is nothing like it on planet earth. 

As you share gifts with loves ones and friends, remember the greatest gift of all, God's Son Jesus Christ...given to you from God with so much love. Thank Him today for Jesus Christ and His birth at Christmas. God bless

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Psalm 37:23

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.


What defines a “good man”, or a “good woman”? For most of us we might consider someone who does good to everyone….and most likely we think of them as better than our self. But is that really a good person?  There are a lot of good people out there in the world.


According to today’s verse a “good man” is someone who follows God’s lead. Regardless of their temperament, their life’s history, social or financial status…..the important ingredient of being a good person is following God’s will. As humans, we are so imperfect. As humans, we are also quick to judge others by their race, financial status, and their lifestyle. What really matters is how God views your life. Its not up to you to judge others, but to pray for everyone in your circle of friends and family. It’s a challenge to stay spiritually focused when the “ways of the world” entice us to turn away from Christ.  


Regardless of how you are treated by others, everyone needs your prayers and encouragement to live a life that is Christ centered. Leave judgement up to God…he sees the “big picture” and you are NOT part of His plan for that person’s life. I see too much judgement in the world by people who consider themselves righteous and of “higher standards”. In your mind you might be above others…but Christ said “the last will be first”. The struggle in life is real for some people.


Humble yourself and step to the back of the line friend. Keep your focus on God and allow Him to guide your daily steps. A good man will always follow God’s will for their life. Seek out His perfect will and find pleasure in life! God bless!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Conflict, we all face difficult situations...for some it comes on a daily basis. Over time, the repeated waves of adversity can wear you down and become disheartened. In our desperation we call out to God for help. At just the right moment He responds with the adequate supply of strength and encouragement needed to work through the struggle. 

It is important that we either journal our experience or place in our memory God's faithfulness. The next time we face a crises, we simply remind ourselves God is with us and He will respond when we give Him the reigns. By doing so you lighten your load and shorten the negative experience. I've learned to do this recently and it helps me keep my composure. 

How often do you face conflict? Do you work through it alone or call on God for help? Trusting Him with your struggles, battles and afflictions...brings you closer to Him and lightens your load so you can be an effective witness for Him. Trust Him today with all your battles....He's already won! God bless. ‎

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43


One of the last conversations Jesus had before He died, was with one of the men who was crucified with him. This man realized Jesus was God’s Son and through Him was eternal life in Heaven. Jesus welcomed this man, who believed in Him, into eternal paradise. What comfort this man had who was dying…knowing his last breath would carry him to a place with no pain, no suffering and eternal joy.


Jesus came for one main purpose, to offer the free gift of Salvation for mankind. This offer still stands today…..have you accepted the free gift of Salvation? All that is required, is your belief in Jesus, that He died for your sins. Asking Him to come into your life, forgive you of your sins and walk daily with Him.  


If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9-10


If you have never accepted Jesus Christ into your life….dont delay. Pray and ask Him to save you today! Then celebrate life with the assurance….”today you will be with me in paradise”. God bless!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30

An angel appeared to Mary and announced that she found in favor of God and selected to become pregnant with Jesus. Can you imagine what Mary thought about this news? God's son would be brought into the world through her body. The joy of this calling was overshadowed by the fear of what others thought because she was still a Virgin. In those days, pregnancy before marriage wasn't well received. Yet, God had a plan and He was doing something awesome in her life. 

As believers in Jesus Christ, He has plans for each of us. Through Jesus sacrifice, He has found favor in us and has specific plans to serve Him through our obedience and enacting out His will for our lives. We are blessed because of our Savior has called us Children of God.  

What has God called you to do for Him? His will for your life may not "fit" in by worldly standards, but His plan, His will for your life is just as important as Mary's mission to carry and birth Jesus Christ. Nothing God calls us to do is insignificant. It has a purpose and He expects you to follow through with those plans.....leave the public criticism up to Him. It doesn't matter what others think....only God. Serve Him in your calling....He will bless you abundantly. God bless.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. 
Psalm 29:2

If you are reading this blog, realize you are God's creation. He allowed your creation, He created every characteristic, talent and even your flaws...He planed for your existence. What are you doing for the Lord?

As Christians, we thank God for special moments of family time and the good things that happen in our life. That's good, but God deserves our praise and worship every day. There is nothing in your life He hasn't allowed or planned to use for His glory. It's up to you to be thankful, obedient and be surrendered to be used by your creator. 

Start today by thanking Him in church and ask God to help you take an active interest in His plan every day. You will be richly blessed. God bless friend. ‎

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 
Matthew 5:16

In Jesus own words, He encourages Christians to do good works. By doing so we reflect Christ, who lives in us, to a world that is darkened in sin and hopelessly lost. Our actions, beliefs and words spoken should clearly stand apart from the world's ways. We are to be a "light" in the darkness. 

When you are in complete darkness, one single light will stand out. Our eyes are drawn to that light. Our mind tells us the light is good, it's safety so we won't trip over something and it gives us a point of reference to walk towards. After creating Heaven and Earth, God created light (Genesis 1:3). Even to God, light is important. 

I encourage you in the coming days leading up to the New Year of 2017 to ask yourself...."what direction am I heading? Am I always walking towards the light of Christ or taking brief detours in worldly pleasures and return back to the lighted pathway? Yes, as humans we will sin and fall short of His wil for our lives. But honestly, before we step off into sin, our "inner voice"....the Holy Spirit, warns us to remain obedient. When we take our focus off the light, we turn towards darkness and we stumble in the muck of sin. It's hard to reflect the light when we cover our light with sin's dirt and muck. 

Make a commitment this new year to be more obedient in your walk with the Lord. The more you keep your focus on the light, the more easily it will be to see your way through each day. And your mind will be conditioned to serve Him through obedience, acts of kindness and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Walk towards the light and keep straight on the pathway....God will bless your obedience. Commit to God! Have a blessed day.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

If you have ever relied on a GPS unit to get you somewhere, you might have questioned it's directions. There have been times when I questioned that voice directing me down a certain road. I'll never forget, onetime I was en route to Perry, Georgia and my Tomtom directed me to turn on this dirt road. Hesitant for the moment, I decided to take the turn....just a brief drive and I was on my next major bypassed 4 extra miles I would have taken thru a populated town. 

As Christians, it's very important to stay close to God and listen to His voice of direction. Sometimes He calls us to turn away from certain places, people, jobs or situations that seem perfect for us. It's in those moments that we must completely trust and obey His voice. He loves us and wants the very best for our lives. Christians, He has a plan for our life and uses us in certain ways to bring glory to Him. Our reward is blessings received at a specific time. Blessings might not come immediatly after we followed His I said...they come at the right moment and are meant to encourage you and reward you for your trust in Him. 

Let me share one additional thought. Sometimes the path He leads us down is not pleasant. As I said above....He uses us for His purpose, His plan. The painful things we experience will most likely be used in time to help someone else going through the same experience. God NEVER allows anything in your life that He doesn't have a plan for to grow you in your relationship with Him. 

TRUST. Trust God completely. When He says "No", stay away, "Go" means go forward in complete faith in Him, "Turn" means we should always be attentive to His voice and respond at the right moment, finally "Turn around when possible" do a U-turn quick. God took you down a dead end road for one purpose...mission accomplished, now head back to the next intersection and wait on His directions. Trust and's the only way. Listen for His voice and follow in complete obedience. Blessings are up ahead. God bless! ‎

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

A lot of people will say "our lights went out" when really their power was lost to their home because of a storm or some electrical issue. The loss of light in the house is the most noticeable result of power loss. We depend on light in our homes.

Our life is vulnerable to events that can weaken our power and strength to sustain in days of adversity. When trouble or stress comes our way, the light of joy in us flickers and dims. From the depths of our spirit come grumbling, stress, fear and worry. When this happens, we become less effective for the Lord. I know, because I've been there. 

In this life, we will encounter things, trouble, misgivings. Satan tries his hardest to cut power to your life so your spiritual light dims or goes out. Don't let it happen! Bind Satan from his attacks, then draw upon the power of God. For Christians,  living inside of you is His Holy Spirit that can provide all the power you need to keep your light buring bright for Him. 

Where is your source of power? The world or God? Seek after God, ask Him to fill your entire being with His presence and draw upon His power and strength, even in the worst storms of life. He will keep you powered up so your light will shine. Plug into Him today! 
God bless!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

 A time to weep, a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4

As we journey through life, we encounter good times and bad times. Life never seems to remain the same. This cycle of ups and downs can ware you down emotionally, physically and spiritually. Oftentimes our responses to these changes (especially the down times) test our true character. So often I call out to God and ask for stability....can you please just make everything good in my life. Have you ever asked God for stability and consistency? 

So how can we remain "in check" when the bad news comes our way or the storms of adversity thunder into our life. The answer, Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8 says: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus never changes...His love and concern for you  remains the same. Let's look at a few reasons to put our trust in Him. ‎

1. He is victorious. John 16:33, Jesus says..."in ME you shall have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Without doubt, we will have trouble in our life. I'd say the majority of bad things are from Satan himself...trying to wear you down and make you less effective for Jesus. Be rest assured, your battle, your struggle has been won through Jsus Christ. Rely on Him for sustainment in the storms of life.

2. He heals. Luke 5:31-32. "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance". 
Jesus wants to clean us up. The struggles in the world can make you do things contrary to the character of Christ. When we respond to negative situations outside the character of Christ, we tarnish our relationship with Him. Jesus restores our life when we come back to Him from our moments of disobedience. Come to Jesus for healing and restoration. 

3. He sustains us. Revelation 21:6 "I am the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst". When we encounter trouble, Jesus assures us He is with us from start to finish. He never leaves our side. When we are in need, He provides the necessary resources to help sustain us in our lowest time in the struggle. Call on Him for help and He will sustain you. 

No two days are the same in life. Our foundation is Jesus Christ....our rock, our stronghold and our sustainer. Put you faith and trust in Jesus Christ everyday and see your life transform into the character of Christ. God bless. ‎

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:5 

If you've ever been on a picnic and a storm comes up...everyone quickly runs for shelter. If at a park, a pavilion is most likely your safest destination. I've been there and it's comforting to have that roof over head no matter how heavy the rain and deadly the lightning. 

Our journey through life is pretty much the same. For most days it's anywhere between sunny to partly cloudy. We have good days, not so good days and some days are tough to get through. But, on occasion we approach a can hear it coming. Maybe it's signs of an unfaithful partner, your company is downsizing it's staffing or you have a doctor's consultation you know will not be good. Our "life storms" come in many shapes, sizes, and durations. 

As Christians, we have a safe haven,  a "pavilion" of sorts....our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He doesn't necessarily keep you out of the storm, but He provides the cover to protect you during the storm. Yes, the winds of adversity and the thunderous sounds of its intensity sound frightful, but God's loving arms, that shield you, are bigger than any storm that comes your way. You just need to stand in the middle of His cover and pray for Him to keep you safe as you journey through the difficulty.  

The rain that comes with a storm is actually beneficial. Plants, animals and we humans need the rain to sustain us. So true in our life storms. Although they may seem overwhelming and painful, they bring something good. Through our faith and trust in God, we should always seek out the benefits of our life storm. And remember, God allowed this storm to come your way...not to destroy you....but to use it to help grow you or someone elese in their faith. Trusting Him is the only way to weather any storm that hits without warning. 

Is there a storm headed your way or maybe in the middle of one now? Stand in the middle of His loving presence and trust in His care and protection. Seek out His will for you in the middle of complete chaos. He is showering down a hidden blessing. Trust Him today friend. God bless. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17

As we approach Christmas, we must always remember the purpose of Jesus Christ entry into the world....mankind's payment for sin. From the beginning of life, mankind has been bent toward sin and opposition to God. No human can come close to His holiness and purity. God knew this when He created human life. He knew Adam and Eve would be vulnerable to Satan's temptation. In order for God to love His creation, He needed a permanent sacrafice to cover the sins of everyone. Jesus was that sacrafice. 

Mankind also received something sweet....the character of God displayed in Jesus life. He lived 33 years on planet earth, His words and actions clearly shows us the true heart of God....obedience, love and forgiveness. From the woman caught in adultry, to the tax collector and to the ones who ridiculed him as He hung on the cross...He was God in the flesh, yet surrendered His all to love us for all eternity...unconditionally.

As you count down the days to Christmas, thank God for Jesus Christ. What He came for and how He lived His life should be the focus of your attention and desire to show love, compassion and forgiveness to others  around you. It's not the shopping, parties and gift's about One man, One God who loved you enough to make you clean before a holy and righteous God. Remember that in the weeks ahead and praise Him for His love for you! He deserves your praise!!! God bless.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Are there people in your life that you consider "super heros"? They seem to have it all together, everything always works out and you probably think they don't need help from anyone. Can you think of someone like that? Let me tell ya something...they are human, just like you. 

These leaders, motivators and the wealthy are actually no different than you. Yea, they may have more power, wealth and fame....but they are still human and vulnerable to life's injustices, sickness and heartaches. Everyone who lives and breaths has a need for love and companionship. No one's  life is perfect or self sustaining. Humans need the love, support and encouragement from other humans. 

As the apostle Paul writes....comfort and edify one another. Don't let someone's status make you feel inferior to say a kind word, reach out and help or send a note of encouragement. As Christians, our life should mirror Christ's on others and always be forgiving. Always be available to help someone in need and show them the love of Christ in the process. Your world will be a better place for everyone who knows you. Won't you touch someone today? God bless.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. 
Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered? 
Job 9:4

As an adult, you can look back over your life and recall as a teenager you most likely took very little advice from your parents and elders. You had life all figured out...then bump...bump bump....crash. Your own way of thinking, with this newly acquired "freedom", caused you some painful lessons about life. Another lesson learned at the school of hard knock. Before too long the advice your parents gave you made sense. If only you had listened and spared yourself the pain and trouble your youthful thinking caused you. 

As Christians we battle this same issue...prideful living. We think we know what's best...."I'm saved, I don't need to stop doing this or that". I have my freedoms and pleasures and life is good. How often have we thought or told God this through our actions? God knows your every thought and sees your actions. He knows when you are obedient and when you are following your own pursuits and living outside His will for your life. Disobedience to God lifts His protective hand and I can assure you blessings will be dried up like a 10 year drought. 

Question for you today...are you following God's advice or your advice on life? If you truly want a more peaceful, joyous and prosperous life....take God's advice and follow in obedience to His word and His Holy Spirit that speaks to your heart. You know His voice when He speaks....dont ignore Him. He has rich wisdom and a solid plan for your life. Follow His lead today and your life will prosper far beyond anything you could orchestrate. God bless.

Friday, December 9, 2016

By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he looked to the reward. Hebrews 11:24-26

TGIF: Thank God It's Friday! For most of us, Friday is a day we look forward to during the work week. It's the last work day before the weekend....a period of rest and time spent with family and friends. Friday is also payday for many people. You could say Friday is our reward day after a long week of hard work.  

As Christians, we have a "reward" day. That day when we cross over from this sinful world and it's pain and suffering to our Heavenly home where pain, suffering and sadness don't exist. Most of us aren't ready to cross the bridge just yet. Maybe you want to enjoy more time with family and see your children grow up or you realize there is still much to do for the Lord. 

There is no time off from life. We all have important things to do....but our main focus should be serving the Lord. Helping others, spending time with the elderly, sharing the good news of Christ with the people around us. The list of things is endless...but we should always continue to be a reflection of Christ in our words and actions. That is our "labor for the Lord". Are you serving Him completely? 

December is a good time to start. There is so much need this time of year. Find ways to serve, help others or simply love on someone who needs a smile and warm touch. It will mean so much to the person impacted by your act of kindness and love. Your reward day is coming...keep working towards that day and find blessings along the journey. God bless friend.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

What satisfies you? Maybe it's a bank account with a lot of money, a special relationship, healthy family, a good job and nice home.....our list is endless. We work hard to obtain what "satisfies" us. As long as we can sustain that level of satisfaction, we remain happy and life is good.

But, after a while we encounter a set unexpected repair bill, sick family member, trouble at work or that relationship becomes stale. When this happens we lose our joy, our happiness...we begin to pout and struggle to "keep it together". We work harder and harder to get back to that point of satisfaction....only to find ourselves exhausted and emotionally drained. 

Friend, satisfaction can ONLY be found in the Lord. He can and will supply all your needs. This world and the things and people of it might be good....but nothing is as good as God's sweet blessings. Some things he blesses you with will not last forever, but will provide a sweetness for the moment. That moment may be a few months or even years....but eventually He will draw up the blessing so you'll come back to His loving arms for security and restoration in your time of need. God never intends for us to remain satisfied with the world's things and people. Everything has an end...even life itself. 

There is one blessing that last for all eternity....that is our relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ atonement for our sins. Do you have a relationship with the Savior? I mean really have an in depth relationship with Him. In moments when you have less that pure satisfaction, do you still feel satisfied in your heart knowing God supplies for all your needs? If not, pray to God for a closer, more intimate relationship with Him. His presence in our lives should be enough if we are truly a Child of God. That might be a tough thing to understand living in this world....but I can assure you there is total satisfaction in having Jesus Christ at the center of your meet every need you might have. Trust Him today...He loves you and longs for your total dependence on Him. Have a blessed day friend.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:14-15


As we approach the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth, we all should humbly pause and reflect on our life and where we stand in relation to God. Once born, our human body is vulnerable to the elements of the world…we continue to age and eventually die. But inside each of us is a soul…a spirit that will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell. No one knows their appointed time to die, are you ready? If you stood before God today, where would he direct your soul….eternal paradise or eternal damnation?


You may not have ever given it much thought, but you should. Your life may seem like a long time to you, but eternity never ends. Your comfort on earth is just a brief vapor compared to eternity. The pleasures of this world will eventually pass away…just as you will. Is a life of “self-pleasure” and “self-will” really worth it in comparison to eternity?


Surrendering your life to Christ doesn’t cost you a thing, but the gains are everything. Jesus Christ died for your sins….He paid your sin debt. As we approach Christmas, who do you believe in…..Jesus Christ? Believe that He sacrificed His life for yours on the cross and rose again on the third day. His free gift of forgiveness of sins, provides the open door to eternal life with Him in Heaven. Trust Him today, believe in what He did and ask Him to come into your life and save your soul. Then, live your life dedicated to the One who gave His all for your freedom to live life with the assurance of eternal peace, joy and blessings. God bless!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jesus said: "blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it". Luke 11:28

 As we read scripture around today's passage, we see Jesus instructing the people. Out of the crowd a woman yells...."blessed is the womb that bore you". A compliment to Jesus and His mother Mary. Yet in His response He stated today's verse. 

Obedience to the Lord comes by reading, hearing and doing. The bible provides rich wisdom for life and directs our path in righteousness through Godly behavior and thoughts. If you read the Bible for very long, you should notice your life take a different direction from worldly ways. Your thoughts will be pure, your attitude will be positive, your actions will reflect Christ. 

The results of an obedient life is God blessing you each day. Once you put your focus on Him through prayer and bible study, you will have more awareness of His blessings in your life...simple and complex. Blessings come in all forms....but they are little "thank yous" by God for your obedience. God loves you and wants to enrich your life with the good things He offers...He is simply looking for obedient Children of God to sacrafice self for His will to shape and mold their life into a useful tool for the kingdom of God. 

Read God's word, pray and let his presence light your path forward everyday unto righteousness. Blessings will encourage you and sustain you through every crises and battle. Walk the the talk....see what God can do with your obedience! God bless you friend! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

For most of us, we have someone in our life that is rich in wisdom and when they give us advice we listen closely and trust what they tell us. I have a few close people that I confide in and their words have meaning and purpose in my life. 

God's word in the bible also has meaning and purpose. The writers were inspired by God to write what they saw, heard and directed by God's Spirit. The bible holds a wealth of information and sound wisdom that helps sustain you even in every situation and circumstance.  If you listen to someone giving advice, make sure it is backed by scripture. Without a biblical foundation, their advice is simply from the world's perspective...and that eventually will crumble and fall away. 

Seeking advice to an issue or need direction for the days ahead? Read God's word with an open heart and listening ears so you can absorb it's truth. Secondly, pray. Communication with God opens a channel to the all mighty whose wisdom far exceeds even the wisest person on planet eath. He will answer your call for wisdom and me on that. 

Seek the truth, seek wisdom, seek tomorrow through God's word and His voice speaking to you through the Holy Spirit. Your life will have a better grip on the pathway of life. God bless friend.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

This time of year people are out Christmas shopping for that special gift to give to a friend, family member or someone important in their life. Most gift purchases have a purpose or meaning and we want the recipient to know we hand picked that gift especially for them. For the recipient, they will always look at that gift and remember who gave it to will have a memory attached to it. 

As Christians, we have an eternal gift....Salvation, the forgiveness of sins. We certainly don't deserve this gift, but God loved us enough to sacrifice His Son on that old rugged cross on our behalf so we can have an intimate relationship with Him. At the point of conversion, we recognized this great purchase to save our soul and we treasured the moment. 

So how do you keep this special memory fresh in your heart everyday? By prayer, bible reading and allowing God to be a part of your life. The Holy Spirit resides in every believer. He is ready and willing to speak wisdom in your ears and help guide you through the day. Your awarenss of His Spirit comes through a thankful praise to God for His blessings...great or small. Listening is the key to success. Keeping your life free of sin and life's static will help you hear His pure voice of wisdom, love and direction...spend quiet time with Him daily. 

That free gift you carry on the inside is real and an eternal treasure. Are you treating it like a special gift? If not, start today by thanking God for loving you for the gift of eternal life and His presence. Spend time with Him each day and see that gift of salvation have more meaning and purpose as you walk in this earthly life. God will bless you richly! Blessings friend!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it. Romans 6:1-2

One of the most fascinating part of my job is dealing with people. As a park ranger I come across people who violate our rules and regulations set in place to protect our parks or protect people from injury. When I call them out on their violation, some automatically will say..."I know this person of importance...or I work for this agency". In their mind, if the associate with a certain person or work for a certain agency, they should be immune from following the law. As one who works for the federal government, I can assure you politics don't erase  your wrong doing. 

As Christians, we are cleansed of sin and eternally forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Sadly, many Christians have accepted this status as an open door to continue in their sinful ways...."hey, I'm forgiven so why not do what pleases me". Have you ever had this kind of thought? If you are honest with yourself the answer would be yes. We all sin, we are human with fleshly desires that battle against us daily. But regardless of your salvation status, you should never deliberatly sin knowing your sins are forgiven.

My question to you you really know Jesus Christ...I mean really know Him on an intimate level? You think about what He went through just so you could have security in His forgiveness should make it your heart's desire to avoid sin at all cost and walk in complete obedience. When you sin, you tarnish the name of Jesus.  He is not happy when we sin. 

What sin(s) have you freely indulged in to please and satisfy you? If you truly love Jesus and know Him on a first name basis, then you will want to surrender your desires and fill your heart with a desire to walk obediently. By doing so, you keep the name of Jesus Christ respectable to those in your circle of influence. Represent Christ well in all areas of your life and see His abundant blessings fill your life with goodness and great joy. God bless!

Friday, December 2, 2016

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. Psalm 25:14

You ever experience some event in life and ask God why He allowed that to happen? We all have at one time or another. The experience might have been painful in the loss of a job or loved one, a horrible accident that left you or someone you love permanently disabled or maybe you suffered some form of abuse as a child or in a relationship....the list is endless. But, I can assure you God has a purpose in your moment of grief or unique situation. 

So how do we know God's purpose, God's reason for allowing something to happen? By drawing closer to Him. Through intimate prayer and reading the bible, God will speak to you. He might not show you the reason for what you are experiencing right might take years...but He will show you if you listen closely and lean on Him. 

I have developed an understanding, through the years of my life, that God has a purpose for everything...big or small. Sometimes He keeps things hidden from us for our protection, but He still works things out for His glory and to shower down blessings on you or someone else. Your truest rewards are in don't always expect blessings on earth. Keep your faithful walk in obedience and your focus on Him and He will guide and use your life to work His plan for a reason and purpose. If you never find out the answer to "why" on earth, He will reveal it in Heaven. 

Draw close to Him for guidance, surrender every occurrence into His loving hands and trust that He will use it for His glory and blessings to you. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here.". John 4:16

Take a moment and read the following story found in John 4. This story talks about Jesus encounter with a Samaritian woman at the well. In this story a woman comes to draw water from a well when Jesus is there and request a drink. As you read the story, you can see that Jesus is actually evangelizing. He talks to her about His "living water"...a relationship with Christ. When she inquires about this living water...Jesus tells her to call her husband. 

In today's verse Jesus is actually calling this woman out from her search for happiness. You see this woman has had 5 husbands and she was currently with a man who wasn't her husband. Before this woman stood the answer to the void she was trying to eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything she had been searching for....the love, the strength, the motivation for was all right there in Jesus Christ. 

What void are you trying to fill? What is God calling you out on? He loves you and wants to fill every void in your life with His everlasting love, wisdom and hope for tomorrow. So often we find it hard to open these voids to His presence because we think they need to be filled with something or someone tangible. But, the tangible things of this world will fail us. Nothing is more lasting than Jesus Christ with His total presence in every empty space of your life. 

Fill the void with Jesus Christ today and find life more satisfying and meaningful. When you realize the impact of His living water inside of you, you will never thirst again for anything of the world. Come to the water and thirst no more friend. God bless you today!