Sunday, December 25, 2016

And the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary saying..."and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. Luke 1:31

Can you imagine if JESUS was brought into the world this day and time? Social media and news reporters would have Mary's entire experience covered from the announcement of pregnancy (and it's a boy) through birth and beyond. Most likely within a few days the entire world would know about Jesus birth.

As you read the scripture though, the announcement of Mary's pregnancy came by an angel. Upon His birth, shepherds were notified by an angel and the wise men were led by the bright star. Word didn't spread rapidly back 2000 years ago....but through time the birth of Christ and His life's purpose has reached out to countless numbers of people, worldwide, who have believed and accepted Jesus Christ offer of forgiveness of sins. 

Sadly, even in today's world there are so many who still don't understand the purpose of Christ. They might know every fact about "Santa" and Christmas traditions....but totally in the dark about the simple, sweet message of Jesus Christ. 

I encourage you on this day, share the news of Jesus birth and the purpose for His life with those around you. Word of mouth carries the message further than any social media site can offer. Jesus instructed believers to spread the gospel to the lost. Share the good news today! We have much to be thankful for this Christmas day! Merry Christmas and God bless!!

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