Tuesday, December 13, 2016

For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27:5 

If you've ever been on a picnic and a storm comes up...everyone quickly runs for shelter. If at a park, a pavilion is most likely your safest destination. I've been there and it's comforting to have that roof over head no matter how heavy the rain and deadly the lightning. 

Our journey through life is pretty much the same. For most days it's anywhere between sunny to partly cloudy. We have good days, not so good days and some days are tough to get through. But, on occasion we approach a storm....you can hear it coming. Maybe it's signs of an unfaithful partner, your company is downsizing it's staffing or you have a doctor's consultation you know will not be good. Our "life storms" come in many shapes, sizes, and durations. 

As Christians, we have a safe haven,  a "pavilion" of sorts....our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He doesn't necessarily keep you out of the storm, but He provides the cover to protect you during the storm. Yes, the winds of adversity and the thunderous sounds of its intensity sound frightful, but God's loving arms, that shield you, are bigger than any storm that comes your way. You just need to stand in the middle of His cover and pray for Him to keep you safe as you journey through the difficulty.  

The rain that comes with a storm is actually beneficial. Plants, animals and we humans need the rain to sustain us. So true in our life storms. Although they may seem overwhelming and painful, they bring something good. Through our faith and trust in God, we should always seek out the benefits of our life storm. And remember, God allowed this storm to come your way...not to destroy you....but to use it to help grow you or someone elese in their faith. Trusting Him is the only way to weather any storm that hits without warning. 

Is there a storm headed your way or maybe in the middle of one now? Stand in the middle of His loving presence and trust in His care and protection. Seek out His will for you in the middle of complete chaos. He is showering down a hidden blessing. Trust Him today friend. God bless. 

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