Sunday, December 18, 2016

Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. 
Psalm 29:2

If you are reading this blog, realize you are God's creation. He allowed your creation, He created every characteristic, talent and even your flaws...He planed for your existence. What are you doing for the Lord?

As Christians, we thank God for special moments of family time and the good things that happen in our life. That's good, but God deserves our praise and worship every day. There is nothing in your life He hasn't allowed or planned to use for His glory. It's up to you to be thankful, obedient and be surrendered to be used by your creator. 

Start today by thanking Him in church and ask God to help you take an active interest in His plan every day. You will be richly blessed. God bless friend. ‎

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