Saturday, December 3, 2016

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it. Romans 6:1-2

One of the most fascinating part of my job is dealing with people. As a park ranger I come across people who violate our rules and regulations set in place to protect our parks or protect people from injury. When I call them out on their violation, some automatically will say..."I know this person of importance...or I work for this agency". In their mind, if the associate with a certain person or work for a certain agency, they should be immune from following the law. As one who works for the federal government, I can assure you politics don't erase  your wrong doing. 

As Christians, we are cleansed of sin and eternally forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Sadly, many Christians have accepted this status as an open door to continue in their sinful ways...."hey, I'm forgiven so why not do what pleases me". Have you ever had this kind of thought? If you are honest with yourself the answer would be yes. We all sin, we are human with fleshly desires that battle against us daily. But regardless of your salvation status, you should never deliberatly sin knowing your sins are forgiven.

My question to you you really know Jesus Christ...I mean really know Him on an intimate level? You think about what He went through just so you could have security in His forgiveness should make it your heart's desire to avoid sin at all cost and walk in complete obedience. When you sin, you tarnish the name of Jesus.  He is not happy when we sin. 

What sin(s) have you freely indulged in to please and satisfy you? If you truly love Jesus and know Him on a first name basis, then you will want to surrender your desires and fill your heart with a desire to walk obediently. By doing so, you keep the name of Jesus Christ respectable to those in your circle of influence. Represent Christ well in all areas of your life and see His abundant blessings fill your life with goodness and great joy. God bless!

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