Wednesday, December 21, 2016

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Conflict, we all face difficult situations...for some it comes on a daily basis. Over time, the repeated waves of adversity can wear you down and become disheartened. In our desperation we call out to God for help. At just the right moment He responds with the adequate supply of strength and encouragement needed to work through the struggle. 

It is important that we either journal our experience or place in our memory God's faithfulness. The next time we face a crises, we simply remind ourselves God is with us and He will respond when we give Him the reigns. By doing so you lighten your load and shorten the negative experience. I've learned to do this recently and it helps me keep my composure. 

How often do you face conflict? Do you work through it alone or call on God for help? Trusting Him with your struggles, battles and afflictions...brings you closer to Him and lightens your load so you can be an effective witness for Him. Trust Him today with all your battles....He's already won! God bless. ‎

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