Sunday, December 11, 2016

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Are there people in your life that you consider "super heros"? They seem to have it all together, everything always works out and you probably think they don't need help from anyone. Can you think of someone like that? Let me tell ya something...they are human, just like you. 

These leaders, motivators and the wealthy are actually no different than you. Yea, they may have more power, wealth and fame....but they are still human and vulnerable to life's injustices, sickness and heartaches. Everyone who lives and breaths has a need for love and companionship. No one's  life is perfect or self sustaining. Humans need the love, support and encouragement from other humans. 

As the apostle Paul writes....comfort and edify one another. Don't let someone's status make you feel inferior to say a kind word, reach out and help or send a note of encouragement. As Christians, our life should mirror Christ's on others and always be forgiving. Always be available to help someone in need and show them the love of Christ in the process. Your world will be a better place for everyone who knows you. Won't you touch someone today? God bless.

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