Saturday, December 24, 2016

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrappped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a Manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 
Luke 2:7

Imagine traveling a great distance, you are tired from the drive and ready to stop at a hotel to rest. Upon entrance to the hotel, the clerks tells you he has no rooms available and there is no hotel for another 100 miles. Seeing your look of frustration, the clerk offers you a cot and says you can sleep in the storage shed out back. Not the best accommodations, but given the fact you are too exhausted to drive any accept his offer. 

This is just about the same situation with Mary and Joseph...with baby Jesus on His way to be birthed into the world. For God's Son, it's the most humbling of circumstances...born in a barn, laid in a manger.  God did not send His son to live in lifestyles of the rich and famous, no...He came to deliver the world from sin....the one thing that brings division between God and His creation....US! 

My question to you on Christmas you have room in your heart for Jesus? Is your life too full of the world for Jesus to live in you?  If so, you are missing out on daily blessings and an eternal reward of residency in Heaven. Believing in Jesus Christ and trusting that He died on the cross for your sins is the beginning of salvation...the next step is asking Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins and walk daily with every aspect of your life. It's that simple. 

From the wealthiest and most intelligent to the poorest and simple minded person, Christ offers His forgiveness to everyone. Is He standing at the door of your heart today? Open the door and let Him come into your life and experience the most treasured gift of all...eternal security in Him. Welcome Jesus into your heart today! 
God bless.

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