Monday, December 5, 2016

 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

For most of us, we have someone in our life that is rich in wisdom and when they give us advice we listen closely and trust what they tell us. I have a few close people that I confide in and their words have meaning and purpose in my life. 

God's word in the bible also has meaning and purpose. The writers were inspired by God to write what they saw, heard and directed by God's Spirit. The bible holds a wealth of information and sound wisdom that helps sustain you even in every situation and circumstance.  If you listen to someone giving advice, make sure it is backed by scripture. Without a biblical foundation, their advice is simply from the world's perspective...and that eventually will crumble and fall away. 

Seeking advice to an issue or need direction for the days ahead? Read God's word with an open heart and listening ears so you can absorb it's truth. Secondly, pray. Communication with God opens a channel to the all mighty whose wisdom far exceeds even the wisest person on planet eath. He will answer your call for wisdom and me on that. 

Seek the truth, seek wisdom, seek tomorrow through God's word and His voice speaking to you through the Holy Spirit. Your life will have a better grip on the pathway of life. God bless friend.

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