Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jesus said: "blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it". Luke 11:28

 As we read scripture around today's passage, we see Jesus instructing the people. Out of the crowd a woman yells...."blessed is the womb that bore you". A compliment to Jesus and His mother Mary. Yet in His response He stated today's verse. 

Obedience to the Lord comes by reading, hearing and doing. The bible provides rich wisdom for life and directs our path in righteousness through Godly behavior and thoughts. If you read the Bible for very long, you should notice your life take a different direction from worldly ways. Your thoughts will be pure, your attitude will be positive, your actions will reflect Christ. 

The results of an obedient life is God blessing you each day. Once you put your focus on Him through prayer and bible study, you will have more awareness of His blessings in your life...simple and complex. Blessings come in all forms....but they are little "thank yous" by God for your obedience. God loves you and wants to enrich your life with the good things He offers...He is simply looking for obedient Children of God to sacrafice self for His will to shape and mold their life into a useful tool for the kingdom of God. 

Read God's word, pray and let his presence light your path forward everyday unto righteousness. Blessings will encourage you and sustain you through every crises and battle. Walk the walk...talk the talk....see what God can do with your obedience! God bless you friend! 

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