Thursday, December 8, 2016

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

What satisfies you? Maybe it's a bank account with a lot of money, a special relationship, healthy family, a good job and nice home.....our list is endless. We work hard to obtain what "satisfies" us. As long as we can sustain that level of satisfaction, we remain happy and life is good.

But, after a while we encounter a set unexpected repair bill, sick family member, trouble at work or that relationship becomes stale. When this happens we lose our joy, our happiness...we begin to pout and struggle to "keep it together". We work harder and harder to get back to that point of satisfaction....only to find ourselves exhausted and emotionally drained. 

Friend, satisfaction can ONLY be found in the Lord. He can and will supply all your needs. This world and the things and people of it might be good....but nothing is as good as God's sweet blessings. Some things he blesses you with will not last forever, but will provide a sweetness for the moment. That moment may be a few months or even years....but eventually He will draw up the blessing so you'll come back to His loving arms for security and restoration in your time of need. God never intends for us to remain satisfied with the world's things and people. Everything has an end...even life itself. 

There is one blessing that last for all eternity....that is our relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ atonement for our sins. Do you have a relationship with the Savior? I mean really have an in depth relationship with Him. In moments when you have less that pure satisfaction, do you still feel satisfied in your heart knowing God supplies for all your needs? If not, pray to God for a closer, more intimate relationship with Him. His presence in our lives should be enough if we are truly a Child of God. That might be a tough thing to understand living in this world....but I can assure you there is total satisfaction in having Jesus Christ at the center of your meet every need you might have. Trust Him today...He loves you and longs for your total dependence on Him. Have a blessed day friend.

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