Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

A lot of people will say "our lights went out" when really their power was lost to their home because of a storm or some electrical issue. The loss of light in the house is the most noticeable result of power loss. We depend on light in our homes.

Our life is vulnerable to events that can weaken our power and strength to sustain in days of adversity. When trouble or stress comes our way, the light of joy in us flickers and dims. From the depths of our spirit come grumbling, stress, fear and worry. When this happens, we become less effective for the Lord. I know, because I've been there. 

In this life, we will encounter things, trouble, misgivings. Satan tries his hardest to cut power to your life so your spiritual light dims or goes out. Don't let it happen! Bind Satan from his attacks, then draw upon the power of God. For Christians,  living inside of you is His Holy Spirit that can provide all the power you need to keep your light buring bright for Him. 

Where is your source of power? The world or God? Seek after God, ask Him to fill your entire being with His presence and draw upon His power and strength, even in the worst storms of life. He will keep you powered up so your light will shine. Plug into Him today! 
God bless!!

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