Wednesday, December 28, 2016

And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

As fleshly humans, we are bent toward sin. We are weak willed in certain areas of our life and our trademark sins weaken the living light inside of us. We are saved by grace through our faith and trust in the Lord to redeem us from our wicked ways. Yet those same sins keep rearing their ugly head over and over again. 

How can we rid ourselves of those repeated sins? I think the question you need to ask is "how much do I truly love Christ and want to please Him with my life"? If we love Him enough, it will be no struggle to turn from sin and walk in obedience. In order for Christ to ablosih sin, He became the very thing He intended to conquor...flesh. He left His throne and came to earth to represent mankind's tresspasses on the cross so you and I could have the closest relationship possible. He crucified our sins through His body. 

As you quickly approach the beginning of a new year, survey your much do you love God? Pray for God to condition your heart to love Him more each day. Then think about those sins that seem to repeat themselves and turn them over to Christ.  He has already crucified them on the cross.....dont hold onto them any longer. Release your sin tendancies and walk in newness as 2017 comes to dawn. Start a new year fresh and sin conquored life....your debt has been paid in free in Him today. God bless.

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