Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here.". John 4:16

Take a moment and read the following story found in John 4. This story talks about Jesus encounter with a Samaritian woman at the well. In this story a woman comes to draw water from a well when Jesus is there and request a drink. As you read the story, you can see that Jesus is actually evangelizing. He talks to her about His "living water"...a relationship with Christ. When she inquires about this living water...Jesus tells her to call her husband. 

In today's verse Jesus is actually calling this woman out from her search for happiness. You see this woman has had 5 husbands and she was currently with a man who wasn't her husband. Before this woman stood the answer to the void she was trying to eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything she had been searching for....the love, the strength, the motivation for was all right there in Jesus Christ. 

What void are you trying to fill? What is God calling you out on? He loves you and wants to fill every void in your life with His everlasting love, wisdom and hope for tomorrow. So often we find it hard to open these voids to His presence because we think they need to be filled with something or someone tangible. But, the tangible things of this world will fail us. Nothing is more lasting than Jesus Christ with His total presence in every empty space of your life. 

Fill the void with Jesus Christ today and find life more satisfying and meaningful. When you realize the impact of His living water inside of you, you will never thirst again for anything of the world. Come to the water and thirst no more friend. God bless you today!

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