Wednesday, November 30, 2016

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Some days the battle is real. There are people and instances that you know are waiting ahead of you that will disrupt the normal flow of the day. I like to refer to them as "little devils". They are like instruments in the hand of Satan. As a Child of God, Satan does his best to cause uneasy tension inside of us through the evil works of others to rob us of joy and peace.

As Children of God, we need to always remember the power that resides in us through the Holy Spirit. God has overcome the world through the work of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for mankind's sins. There is power in the blood of Jesus. Drawing upon that power and binding Satan are tools we have to fight against a defeated enemy. If you call upon God, He hears your call for help and responds accordingly. 

Are you facing people or things that bring a sourness to your day? Give it up to God in prayer and have faith and trust in Him, knowing He will work ahead of you to smooth the path. Yes, there might be a few hurdles to step over, but God will continue to equp you for today's journey...lean on Him. Have a blessed day! 

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