Saturday, November 19, 2016

And the children of Israel said to them, "oh that we have died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.". Exodus 16:3

Moses lead the people of Israel out of Egyptian captivity and slavery, into the wilderness. For 40 years they stayed in the wilderness, awaiting God to give them the promised land....which He did after the 40 year period. God had a specific plan for His people, He knew everything they would need to sustain life. 

In today's passage we see that His people were grumbling and had little faith in Moses and God's leading them to freedom. They were hungry, possible starving. Why did God wait until they grumbled for food to provide this important necessity? I truly believe that as Children of God, He allows us to reach the point of hunger, to the state of being completely humble and our only hope is to call upon God for help. In our despiration, He showers us with mana from Heaven to feed our hunger. 

What are you hungering for today? Maybe food, love, money to pay an important bill or healing from a horrific illness. Call upon God for help. He might not fill that bank account with an over abundance of money or completely heal you (although He can)...but He will sustain you if you truly believe in Him and trust Him with all of your heart. Over the years I've found when I'm at the greatest need of something is when He blesses me more than I could have ever imagined by simply calling upon Him and having the faith and belief that He will supply all my needs according to His will and purpose for my life.

Always, always, always remember, everything in your life has a purpose and is part of His plan. There isn't one need you have that He hasn't already planned to meet. His plan always works best when it has an obedient and trusting servant (you) to fulfill it's purpose. Trust Him today to supply the things you hunger for and follow His will closely for your life. Together it will bring glory to God and blessings in your life! Have a blessed day friend. 

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