Monday, November 28, 2016

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Peace. What is your definition of "peace"? For most of us it's a period of time with no stress, no worries, no noise or clutter. It's a time when we can sit back and rest...feel comfortable and confident in the moment. Some find it while on vacation, resting at home or in the moments of solitude on top of a mountain or by the ocean. Sadly the majority of people only find true peace in brief snippets of time...maybe only a few times a month. 

What if we lived in a constant state of peace? How can we get to that point in our life? Jesus said that we will have "trouble in this world". If you are breathing, you most likely have some stressful issue lingering over you at this moment. I truly believe God allows these big issues or stressful situations to come our way so we can turn to Him for strenth, encouragement and hope for tomorrow. By doing so, His presence is felt and often seen in moments where He answers our prayers for help. 

Sometimes He orchestrates his response so smoothly that we overlook His miracles. Have you ever prayed for something for a period of time...then realize He answered your prayer weeks before? He knows what we need, when we need it. He has already planned to help you deal with those challenging times....He is just waiting for you to allow Him to work His way in your life. So often we hinder His miracles by thinking we can do this on our own. We miss His blessings when we don't give it all to Him. 

Living a peaceful life 24 hours a day, seven days a week takes a Christian willing to keep his or her focus on God at all times and KNOW and have CONFIDENCE that God has planned His perfect response, all we have to do is surrender it to Him and thank Him for the work He is doing in our life. It's all part of His plan to make us grow in our faith and build confidence in God. Trust Him today with everything so you can have peace in your heart and life. You'll be a more useful Child of God with peace and trust in Him. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

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