Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7
What does it mean to surrender? Basically, it's letting go of everything and allowing something or someone else to fill that void. It's saying I can't do this on my own, or this thing is a hindrance in my life so I'm giving it up. Surrender is not being defeated, it's the realization that our strength or the direction we've taken is not all its appeared and we are looking for a better way. The results of surrender are usually positive. 

God wants us to surrender all we have to Him. He owns everything anyhow...if you have it, it's because He blessed you with it. Nothing we possess or the people in our life should never come before God. When you prioritize God less than number 1, you will eventually discover that person or thing will not truly fulfill your every wish, desires and hope for tomorrow. Anything other than God is "worldly"...the includes your spouse, significant other...the list goes on. Remember...God blessed you with everything you have, but nothing should come before Him. 

When we allow things of this world to come before God, we give the devil an opening to try and control our life through this person or thing. They become our obsession to the point we no longer reflect the image of Christ in our daily life. 

Who or what is number 1 in your heart. If it's not God, you seriously need to do some re prioritizing and ask God to help you seek after Him in a more sincere way. When your focus is on Him, you will begin to see more of His presence in your life and experience daily blessings along the way. Surrender it all to Him and He will keep you safe from Satan's evilness and regrets later in life. Make God #1 today! God bless friend.

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