Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight in abundance. Isaiah 55:2

Have you ever went to buy something and you found a similar item cheaper. So you paid for the less expensive one, only to have it break or not work as good as the name brand? I think we all have at one time or another. Back to the store you go to purchase the quality item...the end result: you wasted time and money. 

The same is true in our daily walk with the Lord. He provides for us Godly wisdom, yet we want to follow our own path, our own way of thinking...which is opposite of the Lords. We push forward with our actions only to come up empty handed or experience loss and suffering. Once you realize your look to the Lord for help and realize how far you have gone off the safe pathway He has provided. It's a long, very long hike back to His graces and safety...but necessary for your own good and restoration of relationship with God. 

As I sit here and write, I recall several times I have marched on my own path, far removed from His safe pathway. I suffered loss, pain and some permanent emotional scars that are still felt today. Maybe you too have a prideful heart and don't want to listen to God's instructions. My friend, listen to His wisdom, trust His wisdom and obey His direction for your life. You will spare yourself a lot of uneccesary pain and suffering. 

Are you walking in the opposite direction God has called you? Stop! Realize your ways are not God's will. You trusted Him to be your Lord and Savior, trust that He has only good intentions for you. Trust Him enough to turn around NOW and walk towards His pathway of safety before you suffer from your second hand wisdom and thinking. He knows best, trust Him today! Safe travels my friend.

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