Sunday, November 20, 2016

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27

At the moment of human conception the clock starts counting downward to the moment of death. No one is immune from the end of life, we all have an appointed time to die. Sadly, so many go through life missing opportunities to make each moment count in life. God blesses us with families and friends to make sweet memories and fill our hearts with love. 

Here recently I have attended a few funerals and visitations. I've been so encouraged to hear good things about those who have passed. Wonderful memories recalled over and over. Reflection of the good times in life helps remedy our loss and unifies those whose loved one's life weaved everyone together in those vivid stories filled with laughter and fun. 

Death can come at the most uncertain time. Some have time to plan for the end, for others it comes at the moment of living life to the fullest. Make each moment count my friend. Make those sweet memories for others to share and recall. Those memories is what keeps you alive in the hearts and minds of friends and families. 

Live life to the fullest my friend. The clock is ticking and your time here on earth is just a vapor. Make each moment count! Dedicating today's devotion to one of my co-workers who just lost her sweet mother. Pray for this family, and families who are grieving loss of a loved one! They need our prayers. God bless. ‎

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