Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. 
Psalm 128:1-2

If you have ever worked "overtime" and was compensated, that extra money in your paycheck was greatly appreciated. With the extra you were able to buy something for yourself or pay off some lingering bill. The extra hours of work might have been exhausting, but the reward was worth your labor. 

Our relationship with God is no different. If you sit back and analyze how much time you spend communing with Him in prayer and bible study you might find yourself coming up short. How much time should we spend with God? The bible says to pray continually. You don't always need to keep your eyes shut when praying....i talk to God all thru the day...and when good things happen...I thank Him. When discouragement or challenges come my way...I ask for His help and wisdom. He meets my every need, all day long. 

Obedience to His word! You can't do enough good to be saved, but once you accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, God expects your complete obedience. He knows as fleshly humans we will fail Him from time to time. Ask for forgiveness and move forward. Turn from places, things and people that will cause you temptation and sin. That's called "surrendering self" to God. What you give up for the sake of Christ, He will bless you even more. 

The more time you put into growing your relationship with Christ, the better your life will be through His timely blessings. Obedience, surrender, time spent with Him equals a reward greater than any paycheck can deliver. Invest your time with Him today. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

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