Friday, November 4, 2016

    "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen. Revelation 1:18a.  

One of the enjoyable things I like to do while riding my motorcycle is stopping to see historic places. Old churches, covered bridges and historic cemeteries are just a few of the awesome discoveries I've made in my travels. What attracts me, and possibly you, to these historic icons? Maybe it's the awe of their construction or their story of how they survived all these years through storms or fires. Historic Places and their stories are simply fascinating. 

As Christians we have hope in Jesus Christ. He was here from day 1 and lives forever. The story of Jesus Christ and His life gives us a glimpse of God's character and the example He set for our lives as Children of God. Jesus Christ weathered through storms, faced many opponents, and was tempted by Satan himself. Through it all, Christ was victorious. 

The most fascinating thing He did was allow Himself to be the sacrifice for our sins. God loved us enough to provide a bridge that connects us to Him by the obedient sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. All we have to do is believe in Jesus and accept Him into our lives and live for Him everyday. The Spirit of God lives in each believer. Through Christ, we will live for all eternity in Heaven. We have the historic icon of Christ in us. 

If you have Jesus, you have a piece of history living inside of you. It's my hope and prayer that your life will be a reflection of Jesus love to a lost and dying world. Your life should draw people to you who ask....whats your hope for tomorrow? You can tell them about the story of Jesus and pray they will believe and accept the one historic icon who will live for all eternity. Share His story today with others! God bless friend.   ‎

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