Monday, November 21, 2016

For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life. Proverbs 6:23

I recall as a child growing up my parents gave me rules to live by and wisdom through their instruction. It never failed, if I drifted away from their words of wisdom, I encountered chaos, unnecessary expenses and sometime heart ache. But through their love for me, with arms open, the loved me and brought me back into alignment with what they knew as right. 

As a child of God, we too have a loving Father who has made our spiritual journey sound. He provided a direct source of wisdom, The Holy Spirit, who lives inside of every believer, He provided us His living word that guides and directs our every step and decision and most importantly He demonstrated how much He loves us by allowing Jesus to take on OUR sins so we can be washed clean of sin and stand in His presence. 

So why do we drift off course so easily. Pride and our selfish attitudes are the main culprit. Just like a child....we think we know best and we march down those roads that have barricades set in place for our protection. We say...well...that precaution is for someone else...and we keep going. Eventually we find out why it was closed and if not careful we will get swept away by the floodwaters of sin. Pain, unncecsarry expenses and a feeling of loneliness will sweep over us as we see the distance we've brought between us and our loving Heavinly Father. 

Have you walked around a baricaded  pathway? Curiosity or pride has set you off the safe path? Stop and turn around before it's too late. Pray for God's forgiveness and ask Him to guide you back to safety. He will do it...right into His loving arms. Yes, you might have some spiritual bruises and consequences for your sinful ways...but He still loves you and wants you to be back in His presence and provide you sound wisdom so you can be useful for His glory. 

Walking in complete obedience takes a lot of self determination and commitment to God. Bible reading and prayer help keep us heading in the right direction. Follow His lead always and you'll be spared the rod of correction as a result of your prideful ways. Stay the course today my friend. God bless. 

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