Wednesday, November 9, 2016

But knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house divided." Luke 11:17

 As we come to grips with the election results many will be happy, some worrisome and others downright mad and some even desiring to leave the country. The closeness of votes for both candidates in some states sends out a clear message...this country is divided. Jesus own words says "a house or nation divided will not stand." It's time to do something about this division and hold this great nation together. How do we do that?

1. Pray! Prayer is the first and foremost thing we should do when challenging times come our way. This nation is vulnerable to internal unrest which can result in riots. We need to pray for God's peace in this country. We need to pray for our new leader and the government that they will function together for the good of this country. Pray for God's hand of protection upon this country. Looking around the world, it's clear that we have many enemies. They would love nothing more than to see America fall. Keep praying. 

2. Stay positive. You might not agree with Mr Trump, but accept that he will be our new leader and look for the positives in his heart felt desire to make America great. Making America great sound positive, let's stay positive and support the things you agree on. If there is something you dissagree...then your voice should be's your freedom of speech and no one should take that from you. Remember, negativity never accomplishes anything so stay positive. 

3. Be a light in your world. God calls us as Christians to be a light in the darkness. Be that light, the reflection of Jesus Christ to those around you. Be a good citizen and do good things for those in need, give from your abundant blessings, serve where possible and love those who are unloved. We have a lot of healing to do and what better attitude and mindset to have, than that of Jesus Christ. 

Let's make America great again, one American at a time. God bless friends.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! So true!! What a great challenge for all of us. We are America. While we need great leadership, it is up to us to make a difference by praying, having positive attitudes, and being a light. Thanks for sharimg.
