Friday, November 25, 2016

The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, But the stomach of the wicked shall be in want. Proverbs 13:25

One month from now we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Yes, on this "Black Friday", a day of shopping madness is only a month away from Christmas. Our list are long, nerves are strung out and our debt from purchases is mounting. Seem like last year's pre-Christmas experience? 

It's no surprise we relive this stressful cycle. The Devil makes it so easy for us to take our eyes off the true meaning of December 25th. Where is your focus today? Is it on the door buster sales or thanking God for His blessings in your life, especially your salvation and personal relationship with Christ. I'm not saying shopping for deals is a bad thing, as long as we keep our focus on the real meaning...keep our attitudes in the right perspective. This time of the year makes it's so easy to get off center from where we normally are in life.‎
So what's up with the scripture and this blog? My question to you...what fills you? Is it the things of this world or is it the peace and love of Jesus Christ. His love for you never ends and can fill every void in your life if you allow Him to occupy all aspects of your being. The world's things and it's ways wil leave you hungering for more, buy more, add to the debt load. By Christmas you'll be so weighted down in debt and stress the birth of Christ will have less meaning to you. 
Friend. Some deals are worth walking away for the sake of Christ. Keep Christ in Christmas this year, keep your focus on Him always and be thankful to God who gave us His Son who died for our sins and blessed us with eternal life and a sweet relationship with God. Feeding your heart with Christ will never make you hunger again. Feed on Him today! God bless! ‎

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