Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 
1 Timothy 6:12

If you've ever had the privilege of raising a child, you know one of the highlights is seeing them learn to walk. The child desires to get up and stand on his own two feet, but needs our help in the beginning. Holding their little hands in ours we help them rise, stand and take those first steps. Once they get it figured out, we let go so they can walk on their own and develop confidence. 

As a child of God, we too hold God's hand at various times in our eternal walk with Him. When the going gets rough, His big hand is right there ready for us to embrace as we take a few wobbly steps in new territory. Once we get moving in the right direction, God sometimes let's go of our hand so we can develop confidence. Not necessarily confidence in ourselves, but confidence in God, knowing this is His will for our life. 

At times we may ask...where are you God;  Why did you let go; And we may feel all alone out there as we take each step. But friend, I can assure you He is there....encouraging you and watching over you. Not one step is taken without His foreknowldge and loving protection. No matter the circumstances and how lonely you may feel, keep moving and sustain your faith and trust in God. 

Has God called you in a specific direction and the steps ahead look uncertain? Keep moving, fight the good fight of faith. God has every step covered and knows the outcome of your journey. Walk in confidence today knowing the creator of life has planned each step you take to fulfill a specific purpose to glorify Him and bless your life. Step forward in faith today friend! God bless!

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