Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth". Ephesians 6:2

As a creation of God, He hand picked you to be the off-spring of your parents. Under their care, you were given a set of standards to live by. Although those standards vary from family to family, they are important in your life and character. The very foundational teachings provided you in childhood will be carried through your adult life and eventually passed on to your children. It's so important as parents to teach your children Godly principles and belief in Jesus Christ. 

As children and even adults, we owe so much to our parents. They sacrificed so you could live. Your life and parents may not have been the ideal situation, but they brought you into the world, you should love and respect them. There is always some value and purpose in every situation....dont always look at the negative, but yield the fruits of the good things you learned along the way and thank God for the ones entrusted in your care. 

Have you told your parents you love them? Do it the scheme of things they won't be here for long.....give them the respect and love they deserve. Thank them for what they've done in your life...because it's who you are as an adult. Pass along the good to your children and see them flourish in life. It's what we all relish as parents. Be the parent your children love and respect...blessings will follow in life. God bless. ‎

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