Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Father in Heaven.  Matthew 6:9

This week I'd like to break down the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9 - 13). 

As a child, it was always comforting to know where my parents were as I went through life. I know I could always depend on them to hear my call for help or give me a word of encouragement or wisdom when needed. Even though the majority of my life has been a significant distance away from home, I always know they are there...loving me, praying for me and ready to respond to any need I may encounter. So blessed!!

As Christians, we know our Father is in Heaven! Although there seems to be a significant distance between Him and us, we can be assured He is always there, ready to meet our needs, provide wisdom, encouragement and shower us with His great love. He has given each believer His Spirit, which resides in each of us. Always awake, always available 24/7. 

Sadly, so many Christians go through life alone and rarely seek out the spirit living inside of them. Life has its challenges and crises and turmoil comes quickly and without end it seems. The weight of our worries and troubles tires our weak, fleshly bodies to the point of giving up. My friend, let go of the weights that burden you; call upon the Lord (He hears your cries for help) and let Him lighten your load, encourage you through the trial, give you sound wisdom as you navigate life and most of on you when you are feeling unloved. He is your eternal Father. Harness the resources He provides. 

You may think God is "out there" somewhere far off, but truthfully He is inside your heart...ready to respond. Commune with Him through prayer and bible'll find that His care for you extends further than any earthly parent could give. Commune with Him today. God bless.  

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