Thursday, November 17, 2016

Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others. Philippians 2:4

As we approach the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas, so many people will be in need. Not necessarily need for money or food....although there are so many in desperate situations, but the need for encouragement and human interaction. Many people these days live alone either being single, divorced, widowed or separated from family for some reason. 

Do you see these people in your life? They are there. You probably don't have to think but a second and a few names come to mind. What can you do for them? Let me share a few ideas:
1. Pray for them. Pray that God will shower them with His presence during this holiday season so they don't feel alone. I can tell you being single myself, feeling the presence of God sustains me even on the loneliest of nights. 

2. Visit with them. Text messages are nice, but a simple phone call or visit in person means so much. Simply taking time from your day to show them that they mean something to you is such an encouragement. People truly appreciate it when you devote time for them. 

3. Share with them. Either bake something sweet or a meal. If you can't bake, buy something at the store...a tin of cookies or candy. All the stores have food and candy neatly decorated in holiday packaging. A tin of cookies is $2. Not much expense to simply to say...I care about you. 

4. Write a note inside a holiday card. We don't seem to use Christmas cards much these days. Send a few cards with words of encouragement and tell them how much they mean to you. They'll treasure it through the holidays. 

From now through New Years, take 30 minutes each day and do something for someone else. By doing so will share the love of Christ with those around you. Your reward will be a smile thanking you for your time and God's blessings for sharing His love. Pray and ask God to encourage and lead you to do this today and everyday through January 1st. Making America great again, one American at a time. God bless! 

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