Friday, November 11, 2016

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11

Let's face it, we all deal with issues of being judgmental and because we form opinions about certain people of race, nationality or people "across the tracks" from where we live, we tend to have less compassion and love for them. Left unchecked, your attitudes can turn to hate. The minute you see these people, your shield comes up and you turn away from them. I see it more and more....guilty as charged! 

One day God laid a thought on my mind....every person is a "creation of God". He created them. And not only that...He allowed their existence. You might be saying..."how can God have allowed _______ to exist and for what purpose?". Well...He did and only God knows the reason why. 

As Children of God we need to see people through the eyes of God! He loves everyone no matter if they love Him or hate Him. His love spans further than anyone human can fathom. His love was so clearly expressed by His Son Jesus Christ who willingly walked to the cross to pay the sin debt for you and me. Even in our wickedness and sinful life, He said...I love you enough to die for you! ‎

Folks, we might not agree with some people's ways, beliefs or actions. We are not to judge, but to love everyone like Christ. Does your life reflect the love of Jesus to everyone? Pray that God will help you see people as creations of God and fill your heart with love.  By showing love and compassion to others, we reflect the love of Christ to the lost. Love others today and see the Lords blessings rain down upon your life! Have a loving and blessed day! ‎

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