Tuesday, November 15, 2016

    A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. Psalm 97:3
Here in Georgia and parts of the Carolinas wildfires have spread across vast woodlands. The drought has made everything so dry...even one spark can start a raging fire. Although wildfires may seem bad, they are actually good. You see, under all those leaves and pine straw are tiny seeds deep in the ground. As the ground cover is consumed by fire, sun hits the ground, causing those seeds to grow luscious plants which is good food for wildlife. When you go back in the Spring, you'll see a forest floor full of green plants and flowers. It's a beautiful sight. 

As Christians we too may have a wildfire come into our life. From out of no where one spark sets off an uncontrollable blaze. Painful as it might be, certain aspects of your life may be consumed and completely removed. In desperation, you call out to God for help...yet the fire continues to consume what you've held close to your heart. As the fire eventually goes out and the smoke settles all you see is an open space...charred and life in dissarray. 

Your loss doesn't happen in vain. As a new season of life approaches and the tears have washed away the ashes, you notice new life begin to grow in the voided space. New people, a new job or new experiences begin to take hold and hope for tomorrow turns sadness to satisfaction and joy. The fires don't destroy us, they make us better and bring beauty into our life in a way only God can orchestrate. 

God has a plan and purpose for every wildfire we experience. Don't let the flames and smoke make you lose hope. God has a better plan for your life. Yes, the fire will be hot and can be horribly difficult to experience, but the outcome will bring newness and more beauty to your sweet life as a child of God. Keep your faith strong and trust in God for new growth appears in the days ahead. He loves you and has the best plans for you!
 God bless friend.

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