Saturday, November 12, 2016

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

If you've ever had a crises in your life and you lean into God and allow His presence to comfort you and sustain you, then you know this is the best place to be. Walking closely with the Lord every day is the best place to be. As we walk together, He sustains us, feeds us wisdom and helps us move over the speed bumps of life. So why do we worry about future events or things outside of our control?  

When we worry about the future, we actually run to the issue and run away from God. When we worry, we are saying "this future event is more important than walking with you here and now Lord". It grieves Him deeply when we run away and chase after something He already has planned for down the road.

Is there some future event in your life that has you running away from God...worrying you sick? Walk back to God and embrace his hand as He leads you you what's necessary for today's battles and preparing you for tomorrow's journey. He already has plans on how to deal with your future. Today's journey equips you for tomorrow's trials. Stay close to God always and you will never lose hope for the future. God bless.

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