Sunday, November 27, 2016

If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. 1 Peter 4:11. 

As Christians, what we say and do clearly show the level of "oneness" we have with God. The words we speak should be with a spirit of love, compassion, forgiveness and pureness. Our actions should reflect the very character of Christ. Through our words and actions we should bring glory to God. 

You might be sitting there saying to yourself..."easier said than done". We live in a world and culture that has removed almost every shred of spirituality and Christ. Even the two words "Merry Christmas" have become taboo for some people who try to be "politically correct". 
It takes a complete mind and heart transformation to live a Godly life in a godless society. God calls us to reflect His image in our lives. So how do we get to the state of spiritual oneness?

1. Prayer. Pray that God will transform your life into the person He designed you to be...a useful tool in His hands. 2. Study God's word and let it soak in. If you have a specific "weak area" in your life that hinders your relationship with God, find scripture that gives you strength and encouragement to have victory over your "giant". 3. Clean house. There are things in your life that suck the spirit right out of you.  Remove anything or anyone who hinders your spirit. 4. Get involved. Nothing blesses God than when you take time to serve Him in a local ministry. Ask God to lead you in the right direction and He will show you a ministry that aligns with your God given talents and abilities. 

As we approach the new year, dedicate yourself to living a more spirit filled life. Surrender up the things that hinder that oneness and focus on scripture and resources that will grow you into the image of Jesus Christ. Your life will have more meaning and purpose.....and blessings to others who feel God's touch through your life of service. 
Have a blessed day.

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