Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11

The southeast has been under extreme drought conditions. Until today, we have not seen rain in over 3 months. A lack of rain has lowered many streams to a trickle and lakes drawn down so low...some ponds are nothing but a mud hole. 

On the farm though, we have a spring that has continued to provide water for the cattle. Although things on the surface have dried up, this spring of water, deep in the ground, continues to push water up and provide refreshing nourishment for those who need it for their survival. 

The same is true for the Christian. Living inside of us is the power of the Holy Spirit. God's spirit living inside of us provides all that we need in times of sadness, loneliness and discouragement. It's up to us to harness and gather that power, that love and strength to carry us through life's drought conditions. 

Is your life like a drought right now? Nothing good is happening, maybe you've lost a close loved one, dealing with a medical condition that seems to have no cure or simply life just doesn't seem exciting or important. My friend, gather round the well spring of the Holy Spirit. Pray to God specifically for what you need. He might not provide exactly what you've requested, but He will provide His best and keep you close to Him for daily nourishment. 

Nothing this world provides will give you eternal satisfaction like God can through His Spirit living inside you. Kneel before the spring and soak up His nourishment in your life. He will sustain you today and all the tomorrow's if you keep your focus and trust in Him. God bless!

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