Thursday, November 3, 2016

So the last will be first, and the first last. Matthew 20:16

Have you ever allowed someone else to step in front of you while waiting in a long line....only to be blessed later because of your generous act of kindness? I have and it's very rewarding. I've found that the more humble I am about things, the sweeter life becomes....less stress and people appreciate the selfless acts of kindness.  

Jesus Christ life was the perfect example of a humble human being. He surrendered His every action for the will of God to unfold through His life. He healed the sick, washed His disciples feet and most of all carried His cross to Calvary to pay our sin debt. His life is the perfect example of how we should live every day. 

In today's society, humbleness oftentimes is mistaken for being weak. So many people are looking out for #1....and often simply over look a person's selfless act of humbleness. But, there is ONE who takes notice and that is our Heavenly Father. He knows a person's good intentions and willingness to surrender  for others. As today's scripture says..."last will be first". 

Take a step back and evaluate your it really all about you? If you find humbleness a hard pill to swallow, ask God to help you become a humble person in your circle of influence. People will begin to see the Godly influence in your life and you will realize that first isn't always the best. Serve humbly my friend and experience God's rich blessings today. God bless.

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