Monday, December 26, 2016

Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness. Psalm 95:8

Sin, it's enticing, it's smooth, it generates a temporary "high" and it's addictive. When Satan temps us, we immediately begin to process the sin action or thought. We ask ourselves if we can do this...and look for ways to justify the very action that is in complete opposition to God's commands or spiritual prompting to turn from it.

Once we've convinced our self to pursue this temptation, our heart becomes calloused and less sensitive to God's Holy Spirit trying to keep us safe from worldly influences. As we continue in that sin, our ability to hear God's voice is almost deafened and we begin to walk in complete darkness with no point of reference...."the wilderness". God's presence is not in the you are vulnerable to Satan's promptings. Eventually any resemblance of Christ in you and your spiritual "light" is covered by sin and shame.

Friend, don't allow temptation to rule your life. God needs a tender heart to work His will and way to bring glory and honor to Him and abundant blessings your way. His way is always best and keeps you free from the world's toxins that dim the light living inside you. I recall a childhood song in church...."hide it under a bushel NO, I'm gonna let it shine". Shine for Jesus today and remain obedient to His calling. Life will be more peaceful and joyful as you walk in His presence daily. God bless. 

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