Sunday, December 4, 2016

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

This time of year people are out Christmas shopping for that special gift to give to a friend, family member or someone important in their life. Most gift purchases have a purpose or meaning and we want the recipient to know we hand picked that gift especially for them. For the recipient, they will always look at that gift and remember who gave it to will have a memory attached to it. 

As Christians, we have an eternal gift....Salvation, the forgiveness of sins. We certainly don't deserve this gift, but God loved us enough to sacrifice His Son on that old rugged cross on our behalf so we can have an intimate relationship with Him. At the point of conversion, we recognized this great purchase to save our soul and we treasured the moment. 

So how do you keep this special memory fresh in your heart everyday? By prayer, bible reading and allowing God to be a part of your life. The Holy Spirit resides in every believer. He is ready and willing to speak wisdom in your ears and help guide you through the day. Your awarenss of His Spirit comes through a thankful praise to God for His blessings...great or small. Listening is the key to success. Keeping your life free of sin and life's static will help you hear His pure voice of wisdom, love and direction...spend quiet time with Him daily. 

That free gift you carry on the inside is real and an eternal treasure. Are you treating it like a special gift? If not, start today by thanking God for loving you for the gift of eternal life and His presence. Spend time with Him each day and see that gift of salvation have more meaning and purpose as you walk in this earthly life. God will bless you richly! Blessings friend!

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