Monday, December 12, 2016

For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17

As we approach Christmas, we must always remember the purpose of Jesus Christ entry into the world....mankind's payment for sin. From the beginning of life, mankind has been bent toward sin and opposition to God. No human can come close to His holiness and purity. God knew this when He created human life. He knew Adam and Eve would be vulnerable to Satan's temptation. In order for God to love His creation, He needed a permanent sacrafice to cover the sins of everyone. Jesus was that sacrafice. 

Mankind also received something sweet....the character of God displayed in Jesus life. He lived 33 years on planet earth, His words and actions clearly shows us the true heart of God....obedience, love and forgiveness. From the woman caught in adultry, to the tax collector and to the ones who ridiculed him as He hung on the cross...He was God in the flesh, yet surrendered His all to love us for all eternity...unconditionally.

As you count down the days to Christmas, thank God for Jesus Christ. What He came for and how He lived His life should be the focus of your attention and desire to show love, compassion and forgiveness to others  around you. It's not the shopping, parties and gift's about One man, One God who loved you enough to make you clean before a holy and righteous God. Remember that in the weeks ahead and praise Him for His love for you! He deserves your praise!!! God bless.

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