Friday, December 23, 2016

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

As we celebrate Christmas, let's never forget the truest meaning of this joyous holiday, Jesus Christ. God in the flesh, came to earth to commune, in person, with His creation. Although many rejected Him, He transformed the lives of many lost in their sinful ways into a beautiful Child of God. 

Although Jesus 33 years of life offered a glimpse of God's character and what He expects from us, His main purpose was to take on mankind's sin debt and pay for our transgressions through His death on the cross. 3 days later He arose, victorious over death, giving us hope for tomorrow and a bridge linking mankind to God in the most intimate of relationships. There is nothing like it on planet earth. 

As you share gifts with loves ones and friends, remember the greatest gift of all, God's Son Jesus Christ...given to you from God with so much love. Thank Him today for Jesus Christ and His birth at Christmas. God bless

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