Saturday, December 17, 2016

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 
Matthew 5:16

In Jesus own words, He encourages Christians to do good works. By doing so we reflect Christ, who lives in us, to a world that is darkened in sin and hopelessly lost. Our actions, beliefs and words spoken should clearly stand apart from the world's ways. We are to be a "light" in the darkness. 

When you are in complete darkness, one single light will stand out. Our eyes are drawn to that light. Our mind tells us the light is good, it's safety so we won't trip over something and it gives us a point of reference to walk towards. After creating Heaven and Earth, God created light (Genesis 1:3). Even to God, light is important. 

I encourage you in the coming days leading up to the New Year of 2017 to ask yourself...."what direction am I heading? Am I always walking towards the light of Christ or taking brief detours in worldly pleasures and return back to the lighted pathway? Yes, as humans we will sin and fall short of His wil for our lives. But honestly, before we step off into sin, our "inner voice"....the Holy Spirit, warns us to remain obedient. When we take our focus off the light, we turn towards darkness and we stumble in the muck of sin. It's hard to reflect the light when we cover our light with sin's dirt and muck. 

Make a commitment this new year to be more obedient in your walk with the Lord. The more you keep your focus on the light, the more easily it will be to see your way through each day. And your mind will be conditioned to serve Him through obedience, acts of kindness and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Walk towards the light and keep straight on the pathway....God will bless your obedience. Commit to God! Have a blessed day.

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