Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He (Jesus) sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14:3


Just days before Jesus’ death, this lady walks into the house of Simon, breaks open a bottle of expensive oil and poured it on the head of Jesus Christ (Mark 14:3-9). Some there who witnessed this act of kindness questioned why she would waste an expensive oil in such a manner. Yet Jesus rebuked those by saying “Let her alone. She has done a good work for Me.”(verse 7).


There is nothing like an unexpected gift, especially when its an act of kindness, provided on our behalf. As Christmas nears, stop for moment and think about what you can give to the Lord in return for His goodness in your life. It’s easy to donate money for a good cause, but better yet, your act of service is always a labor of love to the recipient of your generosity. What can you do for that widowed person who lives down the street, or buy a meal for that person, on the street corner, who displays a sign needing help (and talk with them), or simply time spent with a family member who needs your precious time to make them feel appreciated and loved.


When you give of yourself to others, you are actually giving to Jesus. Spare no expense when you give of yourself to others this Christmas season. It will mean more than money or any tangible item. Bless someone today! God bless!


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