Monday, December 13, 2021

 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6


The other day I noticed a person running with their dog alongside, unleashed, keeping stride with his owner. That dog never strayed away or was distracted, he kept his focus as they ran down the sidewalk. I’m sure training that dog to stay by his owner took time and required a leash to keep him restrained during the training process. At some point, the dog was ready to be unleashed so he could perform as trained. As long as he was leashed, the owner could not see the results of his training.


As parents, we do our best to raise our kids with good morals and learning to do things right in life. At some point though, we have to cut those ties and let the child live on their own and learn their own ways through life. Unless you cut ties with them, you’ll never see the fruits of your labor in the time you had them under your wings.


If you have kids in training, you only have one shot at it. Train them well by keeping God in the forefront of everything you do. Be patient and help them build confidence in themselves through encouragement, not discouragement. Let Jesus be their hero so they’ll have something to model after through life.


If your kids are on their own, stay connected, pray over them daily, offer wisdom when requested and provide encouragement as they make their own decisions. You’ve done the hard part, let them grow into adulthood so they can leave their legacy in this world. Trusting God to care for them outside the nest is the only way you will truly let them live free. God bless!


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