Thursday, December 2, 2021

 So he left all, rose up, and followed Him. Luke 5:28


In high school, I was actively involved with Future Farmers of America. They guys who were in the group were my classmates and some even close friends. One day I was invited to go with them to hang out. Something inside told me don’t go. Days later I discovered this group went around smashing people’s mail boxes in the local community. Not too long after that, the FBI came to the school to interview and charge those boys for their wrong doings.


Today’s scripture comes from the story of Jesus confronting a tax collector. When Jesus said to him “follow me”, without hesitation, he left everyone and followed Jesus. As a result, this man’s life was changed for the better.  


As Christians, we have a choice who we will follow: the ways of the world or Jesus Christ. The choice to partake in worldly pleasures might appear to be fun, but they are short lived and wont benefit you on the eternal side of life. On the other hand, following Jesus and living an obedient life to please the Lord, has benefits and blessings now and throughout eternity.


“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” John 12:26


Who are you following? If you aren’t behind Jesus, maybe its time to rethink your choices in life and redirect them to the One who paid your sin debt, on your behalf, so you could have a personal relationship with your Creator! Choose wisely friend and find blessings as you follow in the footsteps of Jesus. God bless!  

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