Monday, December 20, 2021

 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


Years ago my family and I headed out on a road trip to visit my family in Illinois. The journey was 865 miles long and we got off to a late start. It was around 9 PM and we had been riding in the car for 7 hours with 4 kids. We all were tired and ready to stop for the night. After hitting our third hotel, we finally found an open room. Unfortunately, it only had 1 bed, so some of our group had to sleep on the floor with blankets.


In the story of Mary and Joseph, they had traveled almost 90 miles on a donkey, with Mary 9 months pregnant. Once they arrived in Bethlehem, they discovered the local Inn was full. The only accommodation they could find was the innkeeper’s barn. I can only imagine how unsettled Mary was, but at the same time grateful for shelter. There, in that barn, she bore the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Not the most fitting place for a king, but it was where His life began and certainly a reflection of His humble reason for entering the world to save mankind.


Where is Jesus in your life? Do you have Him at the center of your life or is He stuck somewhere in the corner of your heart, only accessible when you need Him for something? I like to think of Jesus as a light. If He is at the center of your life, you should have His light reflecting over every area of your life. There should be nothing hidden from His presence. If He is stuck in the background, there will be areas not illuminated, and those dark areas provide a doorway for Satan to enter. A good indicator of Jesus placement is your spiritual temperature. Is your spirit cold or hot, or simply luke warm? Think about it for a while.


Luke warm will result in Jesus spewing you out of His mouth (Revelation 3:17). If Jesus is not front and center of your life, maybe its time to clear out the clutter and make room for Him. I promise you blessings will follow when He is the light of your life. Make room for Jesus today! God bless!

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