Saturday, December 4, 2021

 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Ephesians 5:31


Today we celebrate Josh and Kinley at their wedding. So much planning has taken place in preparation for this special day. Thankfully the Lord has provided great weather and a beautiful venue for the festivities.


As a parent, its important that we raise our children for marriage. Teaching them the importance of being a good spouse, showing unconditional love, respecting one another, surrendering “self” to come together as one. How we do that is by the way we live our lives as fathers and mothers. From day one, this little child grows in an environment that hopefully is positive with a spiritual foundation that will instill in them a lifetime of beneficial values and traits to help them be the kind of future spouse God intended.


Take note of your current situation. Maybe things aren’t the best right now in your family or you’ve gone through the breakup of a marriage. Don’t give up teaching and providing your child with values to live by. Sometimes you have to regroup with him or her and admit your faults, and let them know you want to give them the best “YOU” for their future.


One day that little one will be joined with their spouse. Start preparing them today for that special occasion. Their spouse will thank you for your hard work and dedication. God bless!



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